Sitting with the Cybercat

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For the best effect, listen to the song above while reading.

This entry is short and sad. For those who understand it, you understand. If you don't, please let it be and don't ask.

Loud meowing resembling the screams of a dying cat could be heard down the corridors. I knew this little one. His name was Peanut, sometimes called Nutty. Though,

No one called him that except her.

Never had I ever heard such cries like these. I excuse myself, walking towards the source. Rounding the corner, I stop. A servo comes up to numb the sudden ache I feel in my spark. Half-blue, half-green visor brightened from stress, a Cybercat cried out for all to hear. They were shrill, the unrounded "e" vowel missing from his infamous secret language. No one could understand what he was saying.

No one understood except her.

He paced, going from one end of the doorway to the other. No one could bear to go in, so the room had long since been locked off from anyone. However, that list didn't extend to Peanut. He had always been the exception, always having access during the worst of temper tantrums.

And K-dramas.

Quietly, I took a seat near the corner. This went on for the entire hour I sat there. Cry after cry. Hoping with every ounce of his being that he would be heard. Praying that the door would open for him. Begging to be swept off his paws into a metal crushing hug. Pleading to be smothered with endless cuddles.

No one ever dotted on him like her.

The screams were repetitive, going on and on. Eventually you could start to ignore it, the noise as continuous as the snoring of a Wyvern.

No one ever loved him like her.

Then, like reaching a calm in a storm, the meows grew quiet. Realization dawned. Peanut looked up at the bedroom door, taking a seat. Tail swishing, he waited. There was so much hope in the field the little one gave off, but it began to flicker. There was one last desperate meow, one last effort, and then he lowered his gaze, head hanging limp between his shoulders.

"She's not coming back, bud." My voice said between cracks.

She's never coming back.

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