The rumored savior

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(In hell)

POV Chief Dokurou

Chief Dokurou: "Very good Elsie, go with that 'God of conquest' and begin your task of catching the escaped spirits."

Elsie: "Yes boss, count on me!"

And there she goes... I'm sorry Elsie, it's not that I don't trust you, but in the circumstances we find ourselves in I must have all kinds of measures planned to avoid failure.

Chief Dokurou: "You can go out Touka now."

Touka: "Hahhh, that closet was really hot boss, what was the need to hide in it?"

Chief Dokurou: "Well, I just didn't want Elsie to get discouraged."

She is a very lively and hardworking girl, something like my backup plan can be taken as a lack of confidence towards her, I prefer to avoid that.

Touka: "I see ... the girl has potential, if only she wasn't so innocent, hahhh."

Chief Dokurou: "We can only trust that he will do things correctly, but anyway, we have to do our thing on our part."

Touka: "So, what does Doku-chan have planned?"

Chief Dokurou: "As daring as ever huh, well it doesn't matter."

There's no point in discussing something like his attitude right now, although it sure will change when you spend time with "him."

Chief Dokurou: "The God of conquest" is a human being known to be able to win the heart of any woman, his exploits have been such that they are even rumored here in hell."

Touka: "Yes ... personally I think they are just myths, it is impossible that such a human being could exist."

Chief Dokurou: "However, our options are too limited at the moment to make us picky. The fugitive spirits grow stronger with each day that they spend free in the human world, and that is why it is extremely urgent to capture them as soon as possible. "

Touka: "But Doku-chan, you still haven't told me what backup plan you have in mind."

Chief Dokurou: "Touka, the stories of the "God of conquest" are not the only ones that have resounded from the human world."

Touka: "What do you mean?"

Chief Dokurou: "... There is another human capable of achieving it."

Touka: "What?!"

Chief Dokurou: "A human who has abilities that would surpass even our best demons."

Touka: "D-dokurou, I-I understand that you are desperate for the situation that hell is going through, even I am worried about all this, but you are our boss, you cannot go on believing whatever people rumor."

Chief Dokurou: "You're wrong Touka, I don't believe rumors, I just don't dismiss them as false and seek to discover the truth behind them."

Touka: "T-then ..."

Chief Dokurou: "This boy is really capable of ending the problem of escaped spirits."

Touka: "... I really find it very difficult to believe... ahhhh! What difference does it make, there are no more ideas anyway so I suppose testing this "Savior" won't be a problem. "

Chief Dokurou: "Thank you, so I hope you can lend me your support, Touka."

Touka: "What do you want me to do?"

Chief Dokurou: "Go find this boy and help him capture as many spirits as possible."

Touka: "So I assume he already accepted the contract?"

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring "

Chief Dokurou: "Jujujuju, he just did it now."

It is fortunate that everything has gone as planned, if I had not accepted that way, I would have had to try other things and I would have wasted more time, which obviously we do not have.

Touka: "Fine, then I'm going with our" Hero "."

Chief Dokurou: "Good luck Touka."




Chief Dokurou: "Why haven't you left yet, Touka?"

Touka: "How do you want me to go if you still haven't told me where to go, in fact, you haven't even told me the boy's name!"

Chief Dokurou: "Ahh! It's true, how careless of me, hehe. "

Touka: "Don't give me a hehe's idiot."

Hey ... I'm still your boss, you know ...

Chief Dokurou: "Here, in this document is the location of the boy, a photo of him, among other information. And hey... I recommend that you be very careful with him, he is... special. "

Touka: "¿...?"

Chief Dokurou: "You should go anyway by now, it is about dark in the human world, it will be a good time for you to talk quietly with him."

Touka: "Okay, so now if I go, Doku-chan, wish me luck."

Chief Dokurou: "Bye!"


I really... I really wish you the best of luck Touka, please stay safe.

POV Touka

The boss was acting a little strange a moment ago... I guess having a big load on his shoulders is affecting him in some way. Well, the only thing I can do is my job, so I better hurry to find the guy I need.

I cross the portal to the human world. 

Ah, the boss was right, he is already doing something late, it is not that I mind waking him up if he is already sleeping, but on multiple occasions it has been seen and proven that a human being reacts in a less rational way when his brain is was previously suspended, it is better to talk to them especially when they are fully alert and aware of their surroundings, so they can better assimilate things.

Touka: "Let's see ..."

I open the folder of documents that the boss gave me... it is thinner than the general average, as if the person in question did not have any kind of past to file.

The first thing I see is a name.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Good guys, that's all for now, excuse the short chapter, but I think that will suffice for now. Don't forget to hit the star and share the story to increase my popularity ;). I'll post the next part probably this week. See you later!

Hiroshin Gaiyo wishes you a good day.

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