Chapter 16

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My mind is blanked as I went inside our reserved room, I sat on a chair and process what happened just a minute ago, I should be scared on what happed to me right?, but why do my mind keep on remembering V instead?

"Sana!" Jihyo snapped, I got my senses back and realized that they are all staring at me except Nayeon Unnie and Dahyun who is singing their heart out

"Huh? What?" I asked

"You're spacing out!, we've been calling you not just once" she said

"Why,?" I just said, they stared at me seriously

"Are you okay?, what happened?" Jeongyeon asked
Should I tell them?

"Uh, n-nothing. I just remembered something" I prefer not telling them what happened, I don't want them to worry

"You sure Unnie?, looks like you just cried" tzuyu

"No! I did not" I said and sipped from my juice, yeah juice- I'm not really into alcohols so I prefer this

"Did Sana just lied to us?!" Mina exclaimed

"We've been together for years, we already know if you're lying or not" Chaeyoung

"But I'm not lying!, I promised.. Nothing happened" uhmm promise meant to be broken right? Wahh sorry lord

"If you won't really said, then.... Okay. But always remember were always here for you" Jihyo said that makes my heart melt. That's why I really love my members


"Good morning friends!!!!!?" I exclaimed as I went downstairs, and really!! Am I the only one who wakes up as pretty at flowers today!?

They are all sitting on a couch, they still also have a nest in their head

"You're noisy!! Ahh!! My head aches really really bad!!!!" Nayeon Unnie exclaimed

"*yawn* I'm still sleepy.." Dahyun blurted out

I went to the kitchen to prepare our foods and also to make a coffee, just to wake their senses

"That's what you get from drinking too much!, aishh your not listening to me. I already warned you" I said and give their coffee

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