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"What?! NO..." You said, shaking your head and walking as far away from Jungkook as possible.

"Why the hell not?" He shouted behind you as you go back to the living room. Getting the controller and sitting on the single couch, you try to so hard to ignore Jungkook.

What in heaven's name is he even proposing? You scream  to yourself in silence, still processing what just happened in your head. Is he out here to torture me? You ask yourself.

Luckily you've shrunk your heart to pea-sized, so even if a part of him remains, you can easily shove it aside. You remember how hard it was in the beginning, to see Jungkook almost every week back in college. 

Although you went to different universities, you still saw each other regularly during dinner at their place or weekend get-aways on school breaks. One time at dinner, Jungkook had a friend with him and everyone insisted for him to stay. His name was Jimin and he was, let's just say, all over you the entire time.

It was the first time someone from the opposite sex has ever poured you that much attention. You've seen guys flirt around other girls but nothing compares to Jimin. He's not at all subtle despite the fact that your parents were there. He would put food on your plate, served you drinks and talked to you non-stop.

It felt good to be given so much attention, however you can see Jungkook getting a bit irritated by how dinner turned out. He asked to be excused, went up to his room and stayed there the entire night. Around that time, you still had feelings for him but not as bad as it was in high school. 

The following dinner, there was no sight of Jimin but Jungkook decided to bring a girl instead. Her name was Rory, very pretty, smart and way better than you in all aspects. It felt like a stab on the chest but who are you to get jealous?

Needless to say that after that incident, you had to ask your cousin Namjoon for another mountain climbing intervention. He's not even aware who the hell Jungkook was, but he knew by the way you asked the heavens each time you reach the top of every conquered mountain, to take Jungkook off your mind and heart, that he was a big part of your life. He was indeed.

Years after, you've become numb. However, you tend to slip up but not too bad that you get back to square one. Your mind and body adjusted to the point that when it comes to Jungkook, your heart shuts off automatically. 

Today is another stumbling block, heck an entire firewall is upfront. Jungkook offering to be that guy you get to experience your first time with, flashes all the red flags ever existed on earth. You've worked too hard all these years, parking him in the deepest recesses of your brain just to give in now. 

Somehow you're up for the challenge. Deep inside, you want to test yourself if you're really over him. But a part of you still hesitates. What if being intimate with him unleashes all the feelings you managed to bottle up inside? All the times you spent trying to forget him will be put to waste if that happens.

You were deep in thought about all these. Until an idea popped in your head by the time you were about to give up thinking. You can actually turn this dilemma into something that can benefit you. It's like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. You get to lose your innocence to a trusted person, who you know won't judge you and take good care of you. At the same time you get to finally validate your feelings for him. If you're really over him after all these years. 

You finally decided to sleep and as you conformably slide under the sheets beside Jungkook. You lean on your side only to find his back on yours. The white shirt he's wearing can't hide his glorious muscles. He's just perfect. You involuntarily touched his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze.

Before you realize what you just did, Jungkook already turned around to face you. Looking like a demigod who just woke up from his beauty sleep, he stares right back at you, searching your eyes for answers. However, you just shamelessly stared back at him, blinking both eyes a few times, until your eyelids deceived you into shutting down completely in exhaustion.

You inhale sharply then let out your thoughts. "Set the date..." You mumbled softly.


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