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Your mom is literally running to the kitchen seeing your dad holding a golf club and about to hit... Jungkook?

You're literally shielding Jungkook with your entire body while his head is bowed down behind you. "Dad! Get a hold of yourself... please." You plead.

Suddenly your mom intervenes and just like you, she shields your dad with her entire body, not to protect him but to keep him from doing any harm on you and Jungkook.

Well, your dad is actually as gentle as a dove and can't even hurt a fly. But who knows? He just might go Godzilla on you especially after seeing his only daughter being kissed so passionately in his own house... on his kitchen counter.

"Mom..." You plead helplessly and she understands.

She faces your dad and gently pats on his chest. "Honey..." with her soft touch, your mom gently caresses his cheek.

Jungkook slides to your side and started bowing low. "Sir, ma'am... Please accept my sincere apology... I love your daughter more than my life and I promise to cherish and take care of her until my last day."

"Jungkook?" Your dad calmed down after realizing that the guy groping you just now was actually his best friend's only son.

He's been rooting for Jungkook secretly since you both came of age. But seeing how you're just treating each other as friends over the years, made him give up on that dream of you getting together.

He gets to Jungkook and hugs him. "Jungkook?! Son... I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you."

Now you and your mom are looking at 2 powerful CEO's hugging each other like no one else is in the room. They both let go of each other the instant they hear both of you clear your throats.

"I'm so sorry to cause this misunderstanding. I can have my parents over this weekend to ask Thea's hand in marriage." Jungkook said so suddenly.

"Okay that's enough..." You get in front of Jungkook placing your hand on his lips to keep him from talking nonsense.

"Sorry... He had a few drinks so he doesn't know what he's saying." You tell your parents who are now imagining your grand wedding and the number of grandkids they're getting from you.

"I'm sober..." He says but you pull him to the side to keep him from saying anything more.

"Well, you kids get back to your own business. Your dad and I will see you tomorrow." Your mom says, sounding too happy. "Good night son!" She says in her high pitch tone.

"Okay son, goodnight!" Your dad says before leaving the 2 of you in the kitchen... sexually frustrated and bewildered at the same time.

"Did you see that? They're literally counting how many grandchildren we're giving them in their heads!" You say in disbelief. "... and YOU! I can't believe you would go to such lengths as to tell my parents you're asking my hand in marriage! Where are we? In Joseon dynasty?" You call him out.

Jungkook chuckles, pulling you closer to him and caging you against the kitchen counter. "I thought I was gonna die back there. So I thought I'd make you mine first, be my other half, my wife, my forever... what do you think?" He asked.

"Is this your actual proposal?" You asked teasingly.

"Could be..." He replies teasingly. Leaning over to give your lips a soft kiss.

"So..." he says, waiting for you to either kick him out or pull him to your room. You choose since he doesn't know if you're still up for it. He massages your back with soft, circular strokes and looks at you intently.

"So..." You reply teasingly, biting you lower lip while staring at his swollen ones.

You're about to dive in for another kiss when his pocket suddenly buzzes sending both of you in shock as he's pressed against you. He groans in frustration as he digs in to his pocket to get his phone.

"I swear if this isn't life and death I'd smack this caller's head off..." he mutters under his breath.

📲 Dad Calling
Mr. JEON: "Uhmm... son? I hope I didn't disturb you and Thea."

JUNGKOOK: "Dad?..."

Mr. JEON: "Well, this is awkward but you may want to take Thea to Seoul Shilla. It's all been taken cared of."

JUNGKOOK: "How did you..."

Mr. JEON: "Thea's dad sends his apologies and we're both giving you our blessings."

JUNGKOOK: "Oh... thanks dad..."

JUNGKOOK: "... and Jungkook, son? We're all happy for you and Thea. We love you..."

JUNGKOOK: "We love you too dad..."

You look at him with a big question mark plastered on your face.

"Pack your stuff, we're having a weekend to ourselves." He says smiling from ear to ear.

😍 "Hang in there! Caution: Heated chapters ahead."

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