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I woke up in a cold sweat and a pool of tears on my pillow. I am not weak, I repeated to myself, I am not weak.

I walked to my kitchen.

I am not weak.

I made breakfast.

I am not weak.

I eat slowly but surely.


I got it through my head finally. So I took a shower and got ready to meet Jamie today.

When I found her she was still at her house sitting at her kitchen table with a cup of apple juice.

"Hello?!" I knocked on her front door, "Hello? Is there anyone in there?" Jamie opened up the door with unbrushed hair and no makeup on.

"Um... hi do I know you?" she asks. Yes, I thought, we have only met like fifteen times.

"Well if we haven't then hi I'm..." I didn't think I could do it. I didn't think I could do this now, "Parker."

"Oh," she nodded sarcastically, "Great now leave me I'm going through something very rough in my life. So thank you for interrupting my depression."

She starts to close the door but I stop it with my hand, "Jamie, just listen to me."

Her face looked shocked, "how do you know my name?"

I panicked what the heck do I say?

"I'm a very good friend of Brad," it pained me to say his name, "I need you to share your pain with me and mine with yours."

She looked more at ease, "Oh yeah of course would you like to come in?" she steps aside the door. This is it. We will meet each other officially.

"Sit down," she gestures to the chair she was sitting in before, "Would you like anything?"

"No," I reply, "Just to talk is all." she finishes pouring another cup of juice for herself.

"Ok but don't be shy if you want something."

"Don't worry I won't," I smile at her. She is so kind.

"So," she starts, "I don't remember Brad talking about a Parker, how long have you known him for?"

I come up with something quick hoping it would work, "I'm afraid I can say the same thing."

"Really?" she makes a shocked, but sarcastic, face at me, "Well I have known Brad for about six months but only started falling for him in the past one to two months, and he obviously had the same feeling."

I gave her a nod with a downwards smile, "Well here is my backstory with Brad. We met in grade school and frankly we hated each other for the first couple of weeks but then we bonded over a guy we both hated," I took a breath, "Over the years we grew apart like all middle school friends do. We started talking a again about two years ago and how much I have missed him... I can't say how much." Wow I think that actually worked.

"Oh my goodness," she wiped her eyes, "Just talking about him just makes me tear up." she started to tear up.

"Please don't cry," I move closer to her, "You will make me cry." I know it sounds cheesy but what else could I say?

"I'm so sorry," she pulls me in wrapping her arms around my lower torso and I wrapped mine around her shoulders and head. She let the out... all of them.

When there were no tears left to cry she looked up at me and smiled, "I'm sorry I probably look ridicules." I smile and finish wiping her tears.

"No I would never think that," I press her head to mine.

She hugs me back, "Your so sweet." Score one.

"Why thank you."

"Yeah I mean after all we are going through the same thing." That irritated me.

I look at my watch, well I would call it a glance, "I have a meeting to get to in a bit if you will excuse me." She lifted her head off of my chest.

"Yes of course," she stood, "I'm so sorry to keep you."

I find my way to the door, "No in fact I would love to talk to you again sometime. Would you like to come over to my house tomorrow and talk some more?" I offer.

"Yes I would enjoy that," she nodded downing the last of her juice.

"Tomorrow then I will pick you up sometime in the afternoon?"

"Yes thank you again," she waved to me as I drove away.

When I finally returned home I locked the room that I made for Jamie. Knowing she would want to see what was in there I had to come up with a believable story.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning up my house getting ready for Jamie tomorrow.


Authors note:

So they have officially met!! So tell me what you think! I would love to know, just tell me what you think!!

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