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Parker's P.O.V.

When Jamie came out of the bathroom she had a smirk on her face, "Hey, Parker," she sounded different. Flirtatious maybe? Not that I minded, "I'm done."

"Okay, do you want to finish your breakfast?" I held my hand out to her. Surprisingly she took my hand, and I tried to suppress a smile which ended up being a smirk. It felt good that her fingers were laced between mine. I started rubbing circles with my thumb around her hand, and she welcomed it with a squeeze.

I hate it that we made it to the kitchen so soon. I would have held her hand for the rest of my life. She was so open, so sweet. She sat down and finished her food and I finished mine leaning against the cabinets.

"What are we going to do today?" she questions me, "Or don't you know yet?"

I didn't really think about that, "What do you want to do? There are a ton of books here, we could play board games, or bake if you really want."

"Baking," she beamed, "I choose baking."


Once I had the dough made and everything set out to make cutout cookies, I turn around to see Jamie standing in front of me holding up two girly looking aprons, "Seriously?"

"Yes, we have to," she turns to have me tie her apron around her, "We have to get the full experience."

I tie hers on her and she tied mine on me. There was something different about her. She was ambitious, flirtatious, and expressive. Like she was with Brad, "Are you okay?"

She spins on her heel and looks me in the eyes, "Of course. Why is there a problem?" I looked for the hair twirl that never came.

"I didn't expect you to enjoy this, to enjoy us, so soon," I shrugged. I didn't want her to be mad at me but I had no other way to word it.

She walked around the room correcting some things, "I thought about it last night, and I guess meeting you like that kind of frightened me a bit. But now I realize how great of a guy you are, and how wrong I was. I shouldn't have judged you like that. I realized my mistakes and want to move forward with you and to mend the bridge that I tore down before I had a change to see who you really are."

There was no hesitation, no twirling of her hair, but there was sorrow in her eyes. She truly wants this just as I do, or she is just being emotional. But I'm not going to complain about what mood she is in right now, "Well lets get baking!"

We sprawled out all the cutters and rolling pins before starting to make cookies. In the beginning we didn't talk much, but occasionally we would look at each other and laugh. Baking is hard work though, but it was fun even though I would have to wipe my brow here and there. I'm glad I can do things like this with my soulmate.

"Uh, Parker?" I look up at Jamie and she looked heavenly, "You got a little something-" she reaches out at my face, biting her lip. When she got done wiping something off my forehead with her thumb, she looked into my eyes.

"Better?" I ask.

"Not quite," a smile that I was kind of concerned about spread across her face. I don't remember much but I do remember a cloud of powder flying at my face. I coughed and swatted the cloud away. Jamie was laughing hysterically. She just threw flour at me.

It's on.

I whipped a handful back at her, leaving her hair white. We each grabbed a bowl of flour and the war began. Neither of us had very good aim but we still tried. She had way better aim then me though. We stayed in the kitchen neither of us minded, it was a big kitchen anyway, but there was so much flour on the ground that we fell every now and then. After about an hour we both ran out of ammo.

"That was the most fun that I had in years," Jamie exclaimed. We were sitting side by side telling stoties about what just happened, laughing.

"We are about as pale as snowmen," I rub some flour out of my eyes.

"Yeah," she giggles before speaking again, "What about the time when you fell and smoked your head on the table." I laughed with her. It hurt but still pretty funny. She rested her head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on hers. This is perfect. This is right.

"Hungry?" I ask Jamie.

"After all the flour I just ate," she smirks, "always."

I get up and do my best to wipe and pat all the flour that I could from my body. Then I helped Jamie up, "Thank you," she patted herself down too and I stepped back to admire her as she did so. She stopped and my eyes met hers. She caught me staring. I'm pretty sure my face was red from blushing.

"What would you like?" I ask her trying to hide my slip up.

"What do you have?" she replies.

"I don't know, I'll see what else Dionte had stocked up on," Jamie and I stalk around the cupboards pulling out some things here and there. After about fifteen minutes of putting things back and sweeping up the flour, we finally decide on having mac n' cheese, "I know it's not ideal to eat like this but-"

"No its perfectly fine," she blushes and looks at her food, "I'm actually enjoying myself." I waited for her to mess with her hair, but again it never came. I need to stop thinking that she doesn't like me after all she admitted it. I need to stop looking for lies and start to trust her more.

I reach across the table and hold her hand, "I'm glad your having fun," I give her hand a light squeeze and she returns it. Neither of us turned away.

"Parker," Jamie whispered. That's when I realized how close we both were. I leaned in faster stopping about a millimeter away from her lips. At the same time we closed our eyes and she closed the gap.

At first the kiss was slow because I didn't know how she was going to react to it. I have never kissed anyone before. I have watched movies and read books about kissing but I have never kissed anyone like this. I must have been doing it right because Jamie wrapped her arm around my head and started to play with my hair. That made the kiss deeper and I loved it.

I bit her bottom lip like they say to do in the books and I think I bit her too hard because she let out a small squeak. She didn't seem to mind though and we kept kissing adding our tongs. Jamie cut it off sooner that I would have liked, but at least we kissed. That was progress.

"I..." I rubbed the back of my neck unsure of what to do next now, "Uh haven't kissed before,"

"I could tell."

"You could?" well that didn't go so well, "Jeez I'm sorry."

"No you did fine," she blushed, "I liked it."

I wanted to go to a room with Jamie but I can't rush her, "Do you want to play a board game?"

"Sounds fun." So that's what we did for the rest of the day, and she totally kicked my butt in most of the games. Even though we were playing games I couldn't forget the kiss we shared earlier.

Everything is perfect.

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