Stanley Uris (July 13, 1976)

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July 13, 1976
10:42 a.m

A scream tore from Andrea's lips as her husband held her hand. He gently caressed her head; the doctor who just so happened to be at the service was placed between her legs, coaching her through her labor. 

A woman, possibly in her mid-40s, spoke up, "I told you. You were a few days late giving birth, and you still refused to go to the hospital. Why?"

"Enough!" Donald barked, "besides, my son is being born in the synagogue. How could this be any better than a hospital? He will make a fine Rabbi when he comes of age. And this time right here, right in this area, proves it."

"Is that all you think about?" The woman cried, "not that your wife is in pain? Not that she doesn't have the proper equipment and could possibly die!?"

He goes to argue back, yet a soothing presence in the back of his mind had him looking towards his wife.

He gently smiles at her, "I feel you, hon'. I am right here. Thank you for calming me down."

The woman huffed as Andrea gave him a tight smile before she started to push, leaning forward as she screamed. Many in front of her were praying, while others watched on in interest. Yet, no one in the synagogue left. All were aware that Rabbi's son being born in the temple had to be a blessing. Proof that the future was in good hands. 

Once more, she pushed, many of the women cringing at the painful sight as if reliving their own labor pains. 

Donald not once left her side.


Nearly 3 hours later and Andrea held her son in her arms. The ambulance had been waiting outside for hours, yet, Donald wouldn't let them come in. But, now that his son was finally born, he let the remaining occupants open the doors, and they soon rushed in.

Donald ran by her side as she was carted away, her son held tightly to her chest. "What are we going to name him, my love?"

She glances down at the peaceful boy in her arms with sleepy eyes. "Stanley. Stanley Uris."

Donald smiled as he turned around to the remaining people and announced his son's name to them. Many cheered, and some congratulated him as he hopped into the back of the ambulance with his wife. 

He has never been more happier.


7 Years Later

Stanley Uris was beyond nervous. It was the first day of 2nd grade, and for once, he and Richie didn't have the same class. Ever since kindergarten, when Stan stood up for Richie, they've been inseparable. Why he did it? He would never know. He slowly shuffled in through the door, trying to hide the grin from his face as he could hear Richie being dragged back down the hallway after the boy had sprinted towards Stan when he learned they weren't going to have a class together.

Stan slowly looked around before choosing a seat away from everyone else. He pulled out his pencils and books, neatly placing them on his desk.

"H-Hello," a voice stuttered, startling him enough to drop the pencil bag. "I-I am so s-s-sorry!" Stan glances up as the other kid squats down and starts picking up the pens and pencils for him. "I r-r-really didn't mean to s-sc-scare you."

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