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A/n-Hi Everyone Im Back Since Its Christmas Break✨ That Means I Have More Time To Work On This Cheesy Wattpad Story^^

Filler meaning for ya'll:
A Filler Episode Is An Episode That Doesn't Forward The Plot

Saiki Pov/Point of view:
"SAIKIIIII" A Female Voice Shouted From Behind Me

I Turned Around To See My Darling..

"Hello My Love~" I Say As I Pat My S/O

"Hello My Strawberry Head !" Y/n Says Followed By A Giggle

A Chuckle Escapes My Lips As I Looked At My Adorable Girlfriend

"So What Do You Want To Do Today?" I Ask Y/n

"I Want To Stay In/At Home Today !" Y/n Said As She Holds My Hand And Intertwines Our Fingers Together

"Thats New..Do You Have Something Planned?" I Say

Knowing My Girlfriend Doesnt Like Staying Indoors

"Am I Really That Obvious?" She Says Turning Away In Embarrassment

"I Didnt Even Need To Use My Telepathy To Know You Had Something Planned" I Say Whispering The 'Telepathy' Part

"It Was Supposed To Be A Surprise.." Y/n Mumbled

"Eh?" I Say Confused "Im sorry.." I Say As I Looked At My Upset Girlfriend

"Why Did You Apologize!?-Im Not Mad Don't Apologi-" I Cut Y/n Off By Giving Her A Soft Peck On The Lips

"Why Did You Apologize!?-Im Not Mad Don't Apologi-" I Cut Y/n Off By Giving Her A Soft Peck On The Lips

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A Chuckle Escapes My Lips When I Looked At My Red Faced S/O Shaking

"Shut Up Strawberry Head !" Y/n Says Pouting

"Sowwy" I Say Mimicking Her

She Then Suddenly Kicked Me Behind The Legs (A/n-Like How Yaku Kicks Lev In Haikyuu YkYk)

She Then Suddenly Kicked Me Behind The Legs (A/n-Like How Yaku Kicks Lev In Haikyuu YkYk)

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