Love life

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Betty mostly kept her feelings to herself because she can't explain them and doesn't know how to express herself without sarcasm and not a lot of people understand Betty because she doesn't understanding herself as well,every day she discovers new parts of herself that she never knew. When Betty met Jayden she thought is was a match made in heaven,Jayden was the first boy Betty ever loved , Jayden also loved Betty or so Betty thought but Jayden cheats on Betty and sometimes beat Betty up ,she didn't mind because she thought that was all part of love and she loved him even more ,she couldn't tell is it was because she lost her virginity to Jayden or something else was making her so attached but she loved his whole heartedly,they were together for three years. Betty finally gained admission into the university and that's where it all began,betty told Jayden and he was very happy for her,Jayden loved betty just as much but he just couldn't control the other side of him ,Jayden also got admitted into a different university not too far from betty's, on weekends betty would lie to her parents about her whereabouts so she could go spend time with Jayden.Betty suspected Jayden had been cheating on her but whenever she confronts him he would apologize and continue with a different girl. One day betty decided to follow suit because she wanted to know what Jayden was feeling. Betty has never cheated on Jayden since they met but Jayden has repeatedly cheated on Betty and it breaks her heart each time because she sacrificed a lot to make their relationship work. Betty was so selfless to a fault,finally betty discovered she liked tony ,Tony lived some blocks away from where Betty resided in school and tony was one of her good friend,tony also had a sister named Teni who was also a. Friend of Betty  and Jayden,Betty knew that Jayden had cheated on her with teni in the past but she never confronted teni she only confronted Jayden about it so she started her move towards tony,it was quite easy ,easier than she had expected it seemed tony also had his eyes on her ,and on one faithful evening while Betty and tony were having their usual arguments and discussion it happened,Betty wasn't quite impressed at Tony's performance she was confused because it was different with Jayden ,however she didn't talk to tony about it because she didn't want him to feel embarrassed,tony eventually told teni his sister,teni was surprised because she knew Betty would never cheat on Jayden no matter what but she obviously didn't know Betty was out for revenge or whatever it felt like to her ,teni told Jayden and Jayden was furious,Jayden called Betty n she didn't deny it her defense was he has been doing it and she wanted to try it as well,Betty apologized as Jayden always apologized but Jayden didn't fully get over it of forgot about it,one day while Betty was asleep Jayden called to break off the relationship and Betty said okay ,Jayden was surprised because this wasn't the Betty he knew ,she would hv wailed and begged but she did neither, three days later Jayden called and asked Betty to take him back that he still loved her Betty refused ,Betty realized in those three days that Jayden did love her but he loved the benefits that came with her the most and was willing to say anything to get back in her good graces.After Jayden Betty was with tony casually because tony had a girlfriend but Betty didn't care until she told herself this wasn't what she wanted she didn't want to do to her fellow women what was done to her so she ended things with tony. Betty was on her own until one fine afternoon she was upstairs in her friends room and a tall ,fair ,handsome dude rolled his red leather box past the window Betty tried to look at his face but couldn't see as it happened so quickly,so she asked her friend who was that and the friend said his name was Anthony.Betty kept a close a eye on him because she isn't a type of person who rushes things she takes her time ,when she was done she made her move for him but didn't make it obvious,they both got talking ,they were like minds and the friendship grew,betty liked Anthony and Anthony likes her as a best friend,she stayed with Anthony  like that hoping he would change his mind about best friend zoning her but three past and nothing changed,Anthony kept telling people she was his best friend,while betty kept hoping what broke the camels back was when she went through his phone and saw that he was indeed in a relationship with some other girl she asked him about and he lied to her about it betty couldn't take it anymore she was heartbroken again,but she tried her best to still see if things could turn around but he was way too deep with the girl n she ended things with him over a video call .After Anthony betty met someone named Emmy for brief period Emmy claimed to love her n she loved him as well but Emmy didn't believe it and also Emmy had heard a lot of untrue stories about betty and he already judged her and just wanted to use her ,their break up hurt betty a lot because she wasn't given a chance to defend herself,after the break up with Emmy ,betty vowed never to try to prove herself to anyone again, if anyone wants to judge her before getting to know her that's their business. It took a while but betty got over Emmy and moved on,Bettys friend Anna invited betty to her boyfriends birthday party ,when she got there Anna introduced her to a guy named Ibrahim apparently he was friends with Anna's boyfriend,soon after they got talk and became friends,Ibrahim went back to his base because he wasn't based in Bettys  home town,they continued the conversation until Ibrahim asked betty to date him ,betty was not so into him but reluctantly said yes and then the relationship began since it was a long distant relationship they both agreed to take turns in visiting each other,it was an 11 hour journey from betty's  home town to Ibrahim's house but because love was about sacrifices and compromise betty sat for 11hours just to meet Ibrahim,it all went well on the first visit,issues started when it was Ibrahim's turn to visit and he gave excuses,betty still ignored and took the 11hour trip to and fro ,the third time betty was supposed to visit she said she couldn't do it and it resulted to an argument,unknown to Ibrahim that betty already took the first bus out and she was on her way to see him,they were still arguing about it as betty was in her way to his place and he had no clue,when she got there Ibrahim was not home ,but Anna's boyfriend and a girl was home ,Anna's boyfriend was so shocked to see her she could tell but she ignored that gut feeling,when she called Ibrahim to tell him she was at his place he was surprised as well ,betty took notice of girl but figured she could be a friend of theirs,betty was trying to put her things in the closet when she spotted a red bag and a charger close to Ibrahim's bed but she brushed that gut feeling aside saying maybe Ibrahim's friend was with the girl in his room,she asked Anna's boyfriend who the girl was and he said she was a friends girlfriend and betty didn't say anything further,soon after the girl wanted to leave so quickly and she left.Ibrahim came home not so long after the girl left and betty also asked Ibrahim who the girl was he said he didn't know the girl and betty dropped the conversation,the next day while the guys where in the other room there was a loud noise at the gate ,betty kept wondering why no one was going to the gate to check it out,so she went to open the gate lo and behold it was the girl from yesterday and one other scruffy looking girl,they both just walked past betty without even a greeting,betty closed the gate and followed after them ,the girl went straight to the other room and demanded that Ibrahim had to come downstairs she wanted to see him privately,betty was confused as she had already asked Ibrahim earlier if he knew the girl and he said no so why does she want to see him privately and she went downstairs to wait for him,betty saw Ibrahim wanting to go downstairs ,betty got furious and asked Ibrahim to remain upstairs,some minutes later there was a noise downstairs,the girl was ranting and screaming the whole compound could hear her ,Anna's boyfriend was downstairs with her ,I could hear him say go home he would call you and betty was just surprised,the girl stayed there for over an hour saying all sorts of things before she finally left,Ibrahim started apologizing to betty but she was too furious to listen,betty couldn't sleep that night either because she had a lot on her mind,she kept asking God why this was happening to her over and over again, was she not good enough to be the only one,what was her crime.soon after she forgave Ibrahim the next day Ibrahim and his friends noticed she had not eaten or said much since the incident so they promised to take  betty out that evening betty was cheerful and her spirit was lifted because she loved eating. Betty was getting ready for her evening out with the boys when there was a loud bang again,this time betty could hear voices outside as she wanted to go out to see what's happening one of  Ibrahim's friends pulled her back and told her to stay in the room,betty has always been stubborn she followed behind him and saw the same girl and three other girls wanting to push their way through Ibrahim and Anna's boyfriend to get into the house at this point betty was furious,she could hear one of the girls say she would beat up betty and throw her out in the streets to sleep that annoyed betty so much betty got into the kitchen and started boiling water in a big pot and also added salt and fresh pepper into the boiling water,when the water was boiling she called Anna's boyfriend and told him that she's about to open the door to the corridor where the commotion was taking place and pour all of them standing there the hot water she had boiled if they don't take their drama downstairs on hearing this and knowing how crazy betty could be Anna's boyfriend asked that they leave corridors and moved downstairs some minutes later betty could not hear voices again she opened the door and saw them downstairs then she locked the doors and went back inside. Betty changed into her night wear n decided she was done this was the last straw but she did say anything about it until she left for her home town,betty told Ibrahim she couldn't continue the relationship anymore the drama from that night couldn't leave her no matter the apology Ibrahim kept on pleading but the trust was gone and she didn't love him that much to stay put like she did with Anthony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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