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The widest smile ever spread across Harry's lips before he picked up a piece of cake and shoved it right in Louis' face. The other boy squeaked, and his eyes widened. Harry couldn't stop laughing at his expression but when he looked at him like that, a warm feeling spread through his body.

"Oh, you're going to pay for that, Styles", Louis said, picked up some cake as well and threw it at Harry. He giggled and ducked so the piece flew over his head and hit Niall right on the ass.

While Harry was too busy wheezing at the giant cake-imprint on Niall's jeans, Louis slid his arms around his waist from behind. Immediately, shivers spread over Harry's whole body and he felt Louis' warm breath down his neck.

He wanted to turn around and face him, but in that moment he got a huge bit of frosting right in his face. He jumped and Louis let go of him, snickering.

"Told you."

"You- you're gonna regret this", Harry said and grinned, already grabbing the next bit of the sweet dessert.

"Boys!", a loud voice interrupted, and they all turned around. Zayn, one of Harry's bandmates, let a piece of cake fall to the ground, pretending like he wasn't going to throw it at Liam.

"Yes, Simon?", Liam asked, and Louis came up next to Harry, placing his arm around his shoulders. Harry tried to calm his breathing as he felt Louis so close to him and he extended his arm to hug Louis around the waist. He felt Louis' breath on his ear again before Louis pressed a short, sweet kiss on his neck.

"You all need to go and rest now, we have some intense days coming ahead."

"I thought we were starting promo next week?", Harry asked and frowned. He didn't want to go to bed already, he wanted to continue to play-fight with Louis and the other boys.

Simon looked at him and his eyes flickered to Louis' arms around Harry. "You have to rest. End of discussion. Louis, come on, we're leaving."

Harry looked up at Louis, who nodded slightly. "Where are you going?", he asked quietly.

"Los Angeles", Louis answered and smiled slightly. "I'll be back in two days, though, I promise."

"Oh." Harry didn't want Louis to leave. "Why are you going? Can I come with you?"

"No, you have to stay here." Louis gave him another kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back before you know it."

"I'll come to the airport with you."

"It's fine, H. Really." Louis looked at him for a very long time. The other boys seemed to have left already and now it was only them left. Harry's heartbeat accelerated very quickly as Louis' eyes flickered down to his lips. He felt as if Louis was going to kiss him and all he wanted to scream was: Yes, yes, yes.

His heart skipped a beat as Louis slowly moved forward and their lips met. They were both covered in cake and frosting, but Harry didn't care, all he could think about was the feeling of being so close to Louis.

Harry squeezed Louis' hip softly and tried to hold on to him, completely lost in his touch. Louis' lips were gentle and soft, and Harry wanted this moment to never end.

But it had to, eventually and when Louis pulled away from him, he had such a fond expression on his face that it made Harry's skin tingle.

One could say he had a bit of a crush.

"I'll be back before you know it", Louis whispered and softly stroke one of Harry's curls out of his face. "And until then, don't miss me too much, yeah?"

Harry nodded, not able to say much. Louis chuckled and pressed one last kiss to his lips, before he left the room and left Harry standing in the empty studio, cake everywhere.

Another door opened and Niall poked his head through it. "Harry, you coming?"

"Yeah", Harry whispered and tried to hide the grin on his face. Niall saw it though and he rolled his eyes, but he still looked very endeared.

"You two, I swear to god", Harry heard him mumble.

He left the studio, with a happy feeling in his tummy. What he didn't know at that time was how fast that feeling would go away.


Harry was waiting at the airport, Zayn, Liam and Niall by his side. Louis' flight landed a couple of minutes ago and every moment now he would come through the doors, run up to Harry and embrace him in a big hug. Harry wanted nothing more than to be in Louis' arms right now.

He spotted a brown-haired boy in a blue hoodie and he felt the butterflies in his stomach coming alive. This was the moment where Louis would drop his bags and hug Harry.

But he didn't.

He looked up and searched the room. When he spotted the boys, his gaze went over Harry as if he wasn't even there. Louis walked up to Zayn and hugged him, a lazy grin on his face.

"Had a good flight, yeah?", Zayn asked. Louis nodded, not responding. He handed his bags to Paul, their body guard and followed him to the exit of the airport.

Harry stood there, motionless as he stared at the back of Louis' head. Did he just ignore him, like he was nothing?

Niall carefully tucked on his arm. "Come on, Harry, let's go."

"What- do you think I did something wrong?", he asked and felt tears starting to build in his eyes.

"Why?" Niall followed his gaze. "Oh. Um, no, I guess he's just... tired."

"But... he hugged Zayn."

"I'm sure everything's fine. Let's just go and ask him, yeah?"

Harry nodded hesitantly and let Niall drag him behind the other boys and into the big black Range Rover. Louis was already sitting in the back, head resting against the window and his eyes closed. Harry took the spot beside him and gently nudged his shoulder. Louis opened one eye to look at him.

"Hey", Harry said quietly. "How was L.A.?"


He tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. "Are you alright?"

"I'm... Everything's okay."

"That wasn't the question, Lou."

Louis closed his eyes again. "Sorry, I'm just very tired."

Harry nodded, although Louis had already turned his head. He tried to calm himself down. Everything was fine, Louis was still Louis, he just needed some time and he'll be himself again.

But that never ended up happening.

Something changed on that trip, and Harry never found out. The only thing he knew was that his Louis was gone and replaced with this less-human and robotic version of Louis who only talked to him when necessary.

Sometimes Harry had hope again. In those moments where he held Louis in his arms because the other boy was crying so hard it made Harry's heart ache. Louis cried a lot after that trip, and he let Harry comfort him. Maybe it was wrong of Harry to hope he'd get Louis back in moments like those.

Harry didn't want to pressure him into talking about it, he figured Louis would just tell him at some point. But Louis never did and so they just started to become strangers who lived together, occasionally meeting when they were walking up and down the stairs.

That was when Harry realized that he might never be fully happy again.

Just a little bit of your heart ⎢Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now