chapter 7

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"Mexico?! What the fuck am I supposed to do there?", Louis exclaimed loudly and crossed his arms as he stared at the two men in front of him. Michael rolled his eyes and began clapping his pen against his clipboard.

"We told you, you're going on a vacation. For publicity."


"Control your language, Louis", Simon interrupted and frowned.

Louis shot him an angry look. "Don't talk to me like that! And I'm not going to Mexico! It doesn't even make sense."

"Of course it does, we've already discussed it with Eleanor-"

"So this is what this is all about." Louis crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You're pissed because Harry and I are together again."

"If you really need to resent us, we have to work harder", Simon said, and Louis couldn't believe his ears.

"Work harder?! What the fuck!"

"Louis, we handled everything already", Michael tried to calm him down with a soothing voice, but it just made Louis angrier. "You're just going to spend a week in Mexico, take a few pictures and enjoy your time there."


"Louis", Michael warned.

"No! I'm not doing it!"

Simon watched him carefully. "You know that if you're not promoting your relationship with Eleanor, we have to take different... measures."

"What do you mean?", Louis said and felt a shiver spread over his body. He didn't like the sound of that at all.

"Well maybe it's time we make a contract for Harry too..."

"You wouldn't dare", Louis said and clenched his fists. "Fine, I'll do it. But don't you dare pressure Harry into something he doesn't want."

Simon smiled coldly. "I'm glad you agreed. Your plane leaves in an hour, I suggest you get to the airport now."

"Wait, an hour?!", Louis asked. "I can't go today! It's my mom's birthday tomorrow and I have to let Harry know."

"Too bad. Just send a text." Michael looked down at his own phone. "Your driver is outside. We'll keep you updated."

With that, he left the room and Simon gestured Louis to leave the club as well. There was a black BMW already waiting outside and Louis got inside, a heavy feeling building up inside his chest. This was all way too familiar.

"Hey", someone said, and Louis looked over at Eleanor, who smiled sadly at him from her seat.

"Oh, hi." Louis got his phone out and just as he opened the message app, it ran out of battery. He groaned loudly. "Shit, shit, shit." He looked around for a charger but didn't find one.

"Do you have a charger or a power bank?", he asked Eleanor, who shook her head. "Great, now I'm screwed."

"It's fine Louis, we can get one at the airport..."

"But I have to text Harry now!"

She looked surprised. "Harry? So you two made up then?"

Louis nodded and couldn't help the little smile even though he was completely stressed out as the car got closer to the airport.

"Aw, look at you", Eleanor said and smiled at well. "All happy and in love."

"Well it won't be like that anymore if I don't find a charger!"

"Calm down Louis, it'll be alright."

They arrived at the airport a few minutes later and Louis was raging with anger. The security check took way too long and when he finally got through to the duty-free shops, his plane was already boarding. He wanted to enter the shop anyway, but Eleanor held him back.

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