1. fight and the start of big adventure

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Strong laungvage
My bad spelling and missclicks

,,Dream! They're going after yall! Run away as fast as possible and please stay safe!"
,, Don't worry, we will be safe as always."
,, I'm seriours Dream... You know how it ended up last time..."
,,I said don't worry... It was my mistake but this time we are ready and we have our weapons with us and also transport"
,,Okay... Be saf-"
*Facepalm* Ink! I said not to disturb me when I call with Lust about our missions!" Said The guardian of positive feelings to his smaller fellow
I: ,,Oh yeah... Sorry- I got too much excit-"
The smaller protector was cut off by knife missing his skull*
D: ,, God damn it! They're there! Swap, Ink do yall know what to do?"
S: *Spawns bones for special attack* Nyeh heh heh! Ofc! Me the magnificient Sans knows everything!
D: ,,and you?"
I: ,,ofc!"
D: ,,... So you'll go with us?"
I: ,,what? Ofc not! I will go all alone on my new skaters!" *Paints himself the skaters and skate away fast* ,,SEE YA IN BASE!"
D: ,,NO THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU WE- you know what? Forget it. Swap now run! I'm right behind you."

                           Ink's pov:

I could hear Dream in Backgrought screaming at me to come back but I could care less. This was the oportunity for using my new skaters and I couldn't miss it! I were now skating around broken buildings from the attack of bad guys in this au... Mine stroughts were stopped by a huge tentlace showing on my right side. When it was about to grab me I doged and run more fast with my skaters.
,,YALL WILL NEVER CAUGHT ME!" I screamed as I runned to a new street labeled as "Butter street". I could hear some crash in Backgrought but it was probably just the idiots bumping into eachothers or they destroyed a new building... ,,Gosh this will be Hard to repair-" I trought as an Axe aproched my head. Luckyly I could dodge it and send some red paint to the way the axe was trown from. Red paint coated the skeleton with a hole in his skull or so called "Horror"
,, Can't we talk about this like normal skeletons do?" I asked but the growl I heard from Horror surely ment "no"
*Sighn* looks like I will run out of fluel soon-

I was dodging now a huge bone attack made by Dust which was quite difficult but my incredibly small body and luck helped me find a way out of this mess

,,So it was Killer, Nightmare, Horror and Dust... Now just to face Error and Cross and I will be away from this mess..."
As I was thinking I didn't noticed the taller skeleton with two white bone daggers. He trew them on me but this time it didn't harmed me in any way... No.. it was worst.. The daggers stuck my long scarf to the ground and I fell back Down to the place where the daggers stucked my scarf. I looked up and saw him..

                        Cross's pov:

C:,,Look, look who do we have there?~ isn't it the famous artist?~"
I: ,,And what if it's me? What are you planning to do?~
C: ,, oh weel-"
E: ,,YOU DICK! YOU KNEW A WANTED TO CAUGHT THE SQUID!" The mad Destroyer yelled at the skeleton with fluffy jacket
C: ,,I was the first one. And if you would want you could have attacked sooner!"
E: ,,BUt it stilL doesn't me@n you had to caught him!"
I: ,,it does"
E: ,,shut the fuck up, no one asked for your opinion weirdo."
I: ,,aww thank you for the compliment Ruru." The small artist said trying to excape
E: ,,I S@@iD nOoT tO cAl-lL m-E l-l-ike tH@T!"

L: ,,Okay the training is over everyone." Said Lust and the lights in the room lighted up the whole room full of self made broken buildings with moss all over it and broken sighns"
The others were now comming out of their hiding spaces
D: ,,Are you okay?! Aren't you hurt? *Grabs Ink's skull and looks all over it* don't you have some scars? Tired? Do you need sugar?" *Grabs some grape sugar cubes and gives it to Ink*
I: ,,I- no! I am okay! Just a little tired from the paints worning off but I'm fit!" Said the smaller skeleton and he eats the sugar cubes the Guardian offered him.
L: ,,Do yall know what got messed up Ink?"
I: ,, when Cross caught me?"
L: ,,No. When you decidet yo go away from team. You have to learn to be with them, you maybe can't get hurt but they can honey."
Ink: ,,... Oh... Let me write it down to the scarf."

N: ,,Next time no mercy guys. And you- *looks at Cross* Don't flirt with enemy."
C: ,,And what? He's my boyfriend afterall and we are just training. No real fights."
N: ,,... You know what? I give up. Do whatever you want to do."
D: ,,He have right brother. And don't be mean, the young people are in lovee~"
L: ,,oh I wonder when will be wedding~"
N: ,,when I will allow them to have one."
D: ,, Don't be so mean. It's up to them not you"
N: ,,yeah, yeah, whatever you say"

The twins were arguiting for another 10, minutes until Dust didn't come and whined out of tiredness
Du: ,, Let's go home...."
N: ,,ofc dear," *gentle grabs Dust into his tentlace and start walking to an exit door out od symulation room*
D: ,,maybe it's time for everyone to go take break... What if I make hot cup of coccoa for everyone?"
Horror,Killer, Swap, Cross and Ink yelled "yes" as a small little childrens in first grade in the school
D: ,,you want too?" The guardian asked
L: ,,if it won't bother you sugar~"

                    No one's pov:

It was already 9pm and everyone were eigher sleeping already or preparing to go sleep. Eccept of the two skeletons standing in the doors saying sweet things to eachothers faces and sharing a little kisses.
I: ,,Good night, we will see tomorrow."
C: ,,I know but you will miss mee."
I: ,, I know but tomorrow we have free day. We can do anything we want~"
C: ,,anything?~"
I: yeah, anything~     and now go sleep *smooches Cross's skull* Good night and have sweet dreams." The smaller skeleton said and closed the doors to his room
C: ,,ahhhhhh... Why are you so perfect?" Cross trought for himself and slowly walked on the other side of the coridor entering his room.

The house was quiet. Everyone slept now. It's too much perfect isn't it? No more battles of light and dark side, Balance between Creativity and Destruction, Negativity and Positivity is also okay... Or is it really?

* .   .  .

*   .          .           .

*                 .                   .                 .

*,,H-huh? Where am I?... This isn't my room... Why am I i- !!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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