Chapter 1

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A crisp winter wind was blowing outside of the safe house the crew was staying in, whistling against the glass window panes. They'd just finished a mission in New York City, but due to a snowstorm coming in, they weren't able to fly back to LA right away. It was Christmas Eve, so Miss Nowhere had felt pretty bad about it and done everything in her power to get the agency to allow a flight, but they told her it wasn't worth risking the weather even with the spy plane.

However, the kids weren't too upset about having to spend Christmas in New York. Aside from Layla, all of them had celebrated Christmas in LA every year up until now, so they were excited to experience something new. So, the agency gave them an address for a safe house, and when they showed up the old couple who owned the place welcomed them inside with bright smiles. Currently, they were eating Christmas dinner, which was the most delicious spread any of them had ever had. There was an oven-baked ham, homemade bread, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn on the cob, chicken and dumplings, and 4 different kinds of pie and ice cream for dessert.

"This is the best meal I've ever had!" Cisco complimented. "I can't believe you made so much just for us!"

The old couple, the Masons, smiled warmly and shared a bittersweet glance.

"Oh, it's our pleasure," Mrs. Mason replied. "We used to have big Christmas dinners like this when our children still lived close, but now it's hard to get the whole family together with everyone living all over the country. I've missed cooking all their favorite foods."

"That's too bad," Tony said. "I can't imagine Christmas without my family."

"Yes, it is hard," Mr. Mason admitted. "But we know how busy they are with their careers, and our daughter has a newborn, which makes it even harder to travel. They come home when they can, and the long wait just makes the reunion that much sweeter."

"Well, we're glad we could visit," Miss Nowhere said. "Even if it is under sub-par circumstances."

"Oh, yes, I am sorry about your flight. But of all the places to be stuck for Christmas, you can't do much better than New York City," Mrs. Mason told them. "There's so much to do and see here- they really go all out! My personal favorite is the ice skating and tree lighting at the Rockefeller Center. We can take you after dinner, if you'd like."

"Sounds dope," Echo replied.

The others nodded in agreement, but Miss Nowhere looked skeptical.

"I don't know, kids. We were on strict orders to remain at the safe house."

"Come on, Miss Nowhere," Tony prompted. "We did just save the world again. Don't you think we deserve a little break?"

"Also," Frostee chimed in. "What the agency doesn't know won't kill them. Or us."

Miss Nowhere sighed in defeat.

"Alright, we can go. But only because I know you'll all start calling me a Scrooge if I don't let you."

"Who says we won't call you that anyway?"Echo teased.

"Watch it, Pearl," Miss Nowhere replied.

They finished the meal about an hour later, and everyone was in high spirits. The Masons told them stories of past Christmases when their kids were still young, and the crew reminisced on some of their own Christmas memories as well. Even Layla shared a bit about her family, to everyone's surprise.

"Well, that was lovely," Mrs. Mason said, standing up and starting to collect the empty plates strewn across the table. "There's some extra scarves and mittens in the hall closet if you kids want to put those on while I clean up. Trust me, you'll want them."

Miss Nowhere stayed behind to help the Masons in the kitchen, and the kids headed to the closet to grab some of the winter gear. It was clear that a lot of the stuff must've belonged to the Mason children when they were fairly young. There were hats with animal ears, scarves with cartoon characters on them, and a few pairs of mittens so tiny that they didn't even fit Frostee's hands. Thankfully, they were all able to find some things that weren't too childish.

Layla was trying to get Tony to wear one of the animal hats, a yellow one made to look like a duck.

"Come on, Toretto, I know you love ducks," she prompted, smirking as she tried to force the hat onto his head.

"I said that one time!" Tony protested, grabbing Layla's hands and trying to steer her away from him. Nevertheless, she managed to get the hat on him, pulling it over his eyes and snapping a picture before he could get it off.

"Oh, I don't think so, Gray!" Tony lunged for her phone, not even bothering to take off the hat.

Layla laughed and quickly turned away, which resulted in Tony catching her in his outstretched arms instead of the phone. Neither of them even realized, continuing to fight over the phone, until Miss Nowhere came around the corner to see if the crew was ready to leave.

"Toretto, Gray, if you two are done flirting, let's go," she ordered, raising an eyebrow at the two of them.

Tony and Layla suddenly registered the fact that they were now wrapped in each other's arms and quickly moved apart.

"We're not-"

"Uh-huh," Miss Nowhere cut them off. "Come on, we want to beat the storm. And Toretto, take off that ridiculous hat."

A/N: This is a pretty short chapter but I'll try to update soon! Also, I'm working on the next chapter of my other fic, Spy Racers: World Tour, so that should be posted soon as well. Thanks for all the love guys:)

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