Chapter 2

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The Masons lived about three blocks away from The Rockefeller Center, so the walk wasn't too hard. Even so, the crew was glad to have the extra scarves and mittens Mrs. Mason had lent them, as the incoming storm was making for a cold night, even by New York standards.

Thankfully, the bright glow of Christmas lights and the loud chatter of the crowds in the square made them forget about the cold almost immediately. They'd never seen so much Christmas spirit in one place. From the giant tree next to the ice rink, to the light shows projected onto the high rise buildings, to the sound of carolers singing Christmas classics- it was like stepping into a whole new world.

"Okay, this is officially the coolest place I've ever spent Christmas," Layla said.

"Exactly how many different places have you spent Christmas?" Tony asked.

"Uh...Gumneck, Vegas, LA, a couple small towns in Texas...I think I went to Georgia one year when I was real little. I've been all over, but it was usually just passing through."

"Hey guys!" Cisco suddenly called out. "Hot chocolate stand! Bro, check out all those flavors!"

"Ah yes, this is our favorite place to come to during the holidays," Mrs. Mason told them as they found a table near the stand. She looped her arm through Mr. Mason's. "We actually met here, believe it or not."

Mr. Mason gave his wife a loving look and then turned back to the team.

"You kids didn't come here to listen to our life story, though," He said with a chuckle. "Grab some cocoa and go have fun- we'll be waiting here whenever you're ready to leave."

"We're staying for an hour, team, got it?" Miss Nowhere called as the crew began splitting up. "And try not to cause too much trouble."

After they'd all gotten some hot chocolate, the crew found a bench by the ice rink and sat down to enjoy their drinks while they watched people skate.

"Wait, has anyone actually ice skated before?" Frostee asked. "I can just use my hover-pack, but the rest of you might just end up looking pretty stupid out there."

"I've got good balance from skateboarding," Echo said. "I'll be fine."

"It can't be that hard. If all these people can do it, so can we," Tony pointed out.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on that, Toretto," Layla replied. "It's a lot harder than it looks. Took me a couple times to pick it up."

"Okay," Tony said, crossing his arms. "Lets race, then. I bet I can beat you first try."

"You're just gonna hurt yourself."

"Scared you're gonna lose?"

Layla narrowed her eyes at that comment and stood up, holding out her hand to Tony.

"Alright, fine. Let's race. But don't say I didn't warn you when you fall and knock your teeth out."

"Oh, there's no way I'm missing this," Echo said, standing up to follow Layla and Tony to the skate rental booth. Cisco and Frostee were close behind, frantically trying to finish their hot chocolates before they got out on the ice.

Once everyone had found a pair of skates that fit, they headed to the entrance of the rink and stepped inside, using the walls to balance. Layla and Echo had no trouble on the ice, but the boys weren't so lucky. Frostee used his drones to hold himself steady, but Cisco and Tony clung to the edge of the rink. They were obviously trying to make it look casual, but it wasn't fooling anyone.

"Still think you can win that race, Toretto?" Layla asked teasingly.

"Uh, yeah, of course I can!" Tony said, pushing himself off the wall and trying to steady his wobbling legs. "One lap around the rink?"

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