Chapter 5 (final)

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By the time Tony and Layla made it back to the Rockefeller Center, the tree lighting ceremony had already begun. They spotted the rest of the team towards the back of the crowd on the left side of the square and tried to sneak up next to them without Miss Nowhere noticing. However, getting past an international spy unseen was no easy task, and their boss saw them as soon as they got within ten feet of the group. She did not look happy.

"And where exactly have you two been?"

"Around," Layla replied with a shrug.

"We brought gifts," Tony added, holding up the shopping bags and flashing his best innocent smile. "So you can't get mad us."

Miss Nowhere gave them both a stern look and glanced at the Masons, who were standing next to her. The old couple just chuckled and shrugged, so Miss Nowhere threw up her hands in defeat.

"Oh, whatever. I guess I should just be glad you didn't tear up the city like usual...wait, you didn't, did you?"


"Didn't even get in a car."

Nowhere nodded curtly, signaling that the conversation was over. Tony and Layla moved past her, catching Mr. Mason's eye as they did. He winked at them, causing them both to blush and quickly take their places by the rest of the team. Echo, Cisco, and Frostee were very obviously trying to hide the fact that they'd been eavesdropping the whole time by acting way too interested in the tree lighting ceremony.

"Wow!" Cisco said loudly. "Look at all those candles- so cool!"

"Hey guys," Tony said. The three of them whipped around and feigned surprise.

"T, Layla!" Frostee exclaimed. "What have you guys been doing this whole time?"

"Geez, we weren't even gone for that long," Layla said, crossing her arms.

"And, we got you guys presents, so you can't really complain about us being late," Tony pointed out.

"Presents?" Cisco perked up and his eyes found the bag Tony was holding.

"What'd you get?" Echo asked. "And where'd you buy it? I thought all the stores were closed already."

"It's a surprise," Tony told her. "We'll show you after the ceremony."

As if on cue, the square was suddenly flooded with warmth and brightness as the giant tree was lit up in all its glory. It was beautiful, and the crew gazed at it in awe, joining in applause with the rest of the crowd. Christmas hymns began playing over the loudspeakers, and people started milling around to take pictures and get a better view of the tree.

"Get together and turn around, kids," Mrs. Mason called, pulling out her phone to snap a picture of them. "You too, Miss Nowhere."

The team posed for a moment in the front of the tree until the Masons gave them a thumbs up.

"Okay, T, let's see those presents!" Cisco said excitedly.

"Alright, alright," Tony replied, handing over the shopping bags. "Layla and I each picked one out."

Tony and Layla watched with anticipation as their friends took the gifts out of the bags. All three of their faces immediately lit up with excitement.

"Monaco Grand Prix?" Echo exclaimed, holding up the poster. "This is dope! Where'd you find it?"

"And these jackets rock!" Frostee added.

"No way you they came like this though," Cisco said, pointing at the embroidered words on the back of his. "They gotta be personalized, right?"

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