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Marcel's POV:

Sam's head rested on my bare shoulder as she slept, soft snores escaping from her lips. Her blonde hair was tangled up and was spread across the pillows, revealing her bare shoulder blades. My right arm was wrapped around her waist as she slept peacefully, but it began to go numb and hurt quite a bit. I carefully try to remove it without waking her, but failed miserably when she stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." My voice comes out in a deep rasp, like it usually does on the mornings.

She chuckled and rolled off my shoulder. "Sorry for drooling on you."

"Eh, I don't mind."

"Holy shit." Her eyes widen and I look around rapidly.


"You have tattoos." She points to my torso, which was sprinkled with random tattoos.

"Yeah?" I smirk.

"Wow, I didn't even notice them."

"Really?" I laugh.

She smiles and runs a finger along my inked skin. "Did it hurt?"

"Not really."

She nods. "So what are the plans for today?"

I raise an eyebrow. "And why am I suddenly making these plans?"

She laughs. "I don't know?"

"Can I use your shower?" I ask.

She nods and I get up, grabbing yesterdays discarded clothing and headed into the bathroom. I shower quickly and was drying off when my phone buzzed on the counter.

Derek: we need to talk

Me: when? what about?

Derek: asap and its about sam catching on about you

Me: be there soon.

I sigh and set my phone on the counter again. I dress quickly and walk back into her bedroom. Sam was draped across her bed, her laptop resting on her belly as she seemed to be watching some YouTubers. She looked so cute, her arm rested above her head as her hair was sprawled out like a halo.

"Sam, I have to go." I announce, grabbing my shoes and pulling them on.

She sits up and pouts. "I don't want you to go."

"I have to, I'm sorry." I sigh.

She huffs and stands from the bed, wincing a bit. I get up and place my hands on her hips before kissing her forehead. "Are you okay?" I mumble.

"Yeah, I'm just sore." She says quietly.

"I'm really sorry."


I shrug and peck her cheek. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"I love you, Harry." She says.

"I love you too, Sammy." I smile and quickly jog out the house.


"About damn time you came." Derek sighs when I knocked on his front door.

"Sorry." I mutter and walk past him.

"You need to tell her, and soon." He grunts as we walk upstairs into his bedroom.

"I will, I wrote it in a letter for her and told her to open it after graduation." I argue.

"After graduation? Are you shitting me, Styles?" He yells. "She's catching on, she's noticing Marcel is gone a lot more lately. So has Jo, and you know how hard it is keeping anything from her."

"I know!" I groan.

"No you don't! While you're off in lala land, I'm here lying for your cat fishing ass!"

"I am not cat fishing!"

"The fuck you aren't." Derek glares at me.

"I'm not." I glare back.

"You need to tell her, or I will."

"No, don't." I say quickly.

"Then fucking tell her, asshat."

"Give me until-"

"No. You have had a few months to do it." He interrupts.

"Derek! She won't like me, she'll be disgusted and hate me."

"Not if you didn't do anything sexual, she won't."

I go silent and he glares hard at me. "You did, didn't you?"

"Last night..."

"You're a fucking idiot!" He booms.

"Stop calling me names!" I yell back, twice as loud.

"Look, we're having a before graduation party literally a week before graduation. You go and fucking tell her then, and you go only as Marcel." He sighs.

"But that's in about two weeks!" I yell.

"Then you better pick up your balls off the floor because if you won't tell her by then, I will."

short chapter sorry! this book is actually coming to its end really soon, i was hoping i'd be able to drag it out a bit but I have a lot of other books I want to get started on or I want to finish so yeah :)

comment what you think marcel will do ;) also dont forget to vote!

i love you guys!

- Jen

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