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It was a normal day at a school, at least for now probably. A boy with curly hair snuck his way out of the classroom through the window when the class bell rang

He climbed over the small bench to see Dee reading a book like the weird emo nerd he is, along with y/n listening to music

"You're late"

Dee spoke to him keeping his eyes on his book

"The teacher wouldn't let us go on break! Or even let us use the bathroom! Man I'm fucked!"

"Yeah, you're fucked. If, you don't give me what I need"

Dee said he with a smile on his face, what he meant was money. Dee helps kids with tests and homework and he gets back money with each kid he helps

"Not so obvious"

He added making the boy slide the money to him secretly

"Listen dee, will this work out? It's a moral exam"

"Statistically speaking the chance of you passing the test on you're own is completely null. So you've got intouch with me"

Dee said giving him a ear piece to put in his ear

"Just stick this in you're ear"

He did as he was told and then asked dee

"And how does it work?"

"Do you hear me?"

Dee said speaking into the other ear piece, y/n didn't really say anything. She's very quiet when it comes to new people she doesn't know a thing about

"Let's say it question seven, the definition of energy. Repeat after me"

Dee started reading the words in the book and the boy slightly repeated him having some of the words right

"The lord of the rings"


Dee sighed closing his book and continued to speak to him through the mic, the boy laughed like goofy and smiled

"It's working! I feel so intelligent"

He said until they heard a familiar voice arguing with another

"Check out this idiot over here"

"It's you're raps that sucks you whacked out gorilla!"

Y/n took out her earbuds looking at heavy getting punched in the stomach and kicked on the ground. She stood up with Dee sighing, the two always had to save him from getting into fights

"Yeah, and that idiot is my brother."

The bell rang again making the boy turn his head, y/n raised a hand towards him as they walked

"Go ahead, we'll be in touch"

The two walked up to the big guy and Dee spoke to him

"What's up chipmunk"

"The hell you want?"

He talked back with a deepish voice

"Nothing really, you done with him?"

Dee spoke again looking down at his beat up brother

"Nah yo! I'm about to make him eat his shirt for saying rap is shit!"

"Man is it shit!"

Heavy yelled back and the big guy raised up his fist

"Go fuck yourself!"

Dee went in front of him holding his arm

"Hold on, I can make you a decent deal, I happen to know that you live in house number eight across from the video market, I've seen how often  you peek in that store at the new PlayStation. I know you wanna have one"

The guy smiled and nodded

"I also heard your dad is going to be giving it to you on your big day, the problem is that your big day is in the beginning of june and with your grades they are threatening to hold you back another year"

"How in the hell did he hear all of that-???"

Y/n thought in her head, Dee can know too much sometimes to the point where he just sounds plain creepy

"Can you imagine yourself on your birthday? "Good job son your finally a grade repeater, here is your Sony" aha"

"Hmm well shit"

"I'm suggesting you-"

Dee then got knocked in his jaw by the boy onto the ground, y/n just held up her hands in defeat not trying to get hit too. she tried very hard not to laugh

"Dee, question 37 Dee! Over"

"Now then I'm listening, question 37"

"Ugh..yeah,once sec..question 37 um, the structure of and"

The boy started hearing throwing up noises in the ear piece

"Blegh, you yanked it out of your mouth! Don't make fun of it now Ugh nastiness"

"Pfft- heavy that is disgusting"

Dee started speaking in gibberish since he got punched in his face making the boy laugh at him

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