Dirty thoughts.

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YEAH, I'm doing it bc it's ENTERTAINING

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Y/n walked around in the metal family house with blush covering her face, after the quest room she's been thinking weird thoughts about Dee and it's driving her crazy

"Hey y/n, did you see-"


Dee raised his eyebrow looking at her, she was sweating a bit looking away from him. He rolled his eyes

"Yeah, I was going to ask if you saw my jacket. I left it on my bed and now it isn't there."

Y/n blushed a whole lot more at dee seeing him with just his black shirt on, she looked up and down at him (GUROL WHAT ARE YOU DOIN) Dee gave her a confusing look

"Oh-! U-Uh- no I haven't seen it? I think heavy might've took it while you weren't looking"

"That idiot, thanks y/n."

"N-no problem-"

Dee walks off to heavy's room as y/n sighed walking to the kitchen, Dee and y/n always walk to school together after glam had made breakfast

"Good morning y/n!"

"Good morning glam.."

She responded to him rubbing her two fingers between the middle of her eyes, glam turns his eyes to her direction having his usual smile on his face

"Is something troubling you?"

"No no, just thinking about some things"

"Ah, alright"

Dee came in the kitchen sitting down next to y/n making her cheeks swell up with red, he looked at her and started speaking to her

"You alright, you're looking a little red"

"Y-yeah! I'm good, all good, nothings wrong-"

She looked at Dee for a while making the dirty thoughts come right back into her mind, Dee laughed at the face y/n was making

"You sure about that? You look a little stupid in the face there"

"Yes- wh- hey!"

"I'm kidding I'm kidding"

Glam had set the two plates of breakfast on the table for y/n and Dee to eat, she wasnt always hungry in the morning. But glam's cooking was pretty good

After they finished the two of them walked to school with heavy

"Hey y/n?"

Heavy called her name but she was barley listening still walking in front of the boys until heavy said her name again

"Hellloo? Y/n!"

"Oh-! Sorry heavs, what's up?"

"I was gonna ask what's up with those bandages around your hands!"

"Haha, ohhhh..those, well your mom decided to Teach me how to fight like she does since I maybe sorta asked her"

"Really?! Wowww that's so cool! So what did you learn! I bet it's something really awesome, can you show us after school"

Y/n chuckled and ruffled his hair saying "sure, I'll show you some of what I've learned"

Dee smiled a bit at her, y/n looked his way making him blush and look down still walking. She giggled and smiled at him

After school

When y/n put her stuff away in her house, she immediately walked right back out telling her mother "I'll be back in a bit mom!" "Alright just be safe"

As usual she climbed up through dee's window and went into heavy's room showing him the skills she learnt from Victoria (Step on me) heavy was amazed as usual

Then after that she walked right back into dee's room sitting on his bed. She was glad the "thoughts" went away when they were distracted by school. Dee walked into his room closing his door

"Didn't know you'd come here so fast"

"Sup Dee, so you ready to do homework"

"Yeah sure, just let me get it out of my bag"

Dee took his homework out from his bag and sat next to y/n with it, while they were working on it together the "thoughts" came right back into y/n's mind making her turn completely red in the face

The led in her pencil broke making Dee look her way and ask "hey you ok? You don't usually break the led off"


"And your face very red, do you have a fever or something"

"N-no! It's just that I um-! I've been thinking of things"

"Things, and what are those things"

"It's uh- ummm.."

If y/n told Dee she was randomly thinking of him in the most weirdest way possible he would kill her, that's what she thought

"Well I guess it's just been about a uh..boy that I like..!"

Dee paused for a minute looking at the girl, he seemed a little upset about what y/n told him. But shrugged it off as it was nothing

"Oh, that's nice I guess"

"B-but What about you! I saw the guitar and I've never seen you play it"

Dee kept his eyes on his paper and continued to write

"It's none of your business, besides I never really wanted to play it anyway."

"Oh come on! I play guitar, I could teach you!"

"I said its none of your business, i dont need your help to do anything"

Dee said sounded angry a bit, y/n realizing it was a bother to him she dropped it and continued to talk to him other things

After talking and watching a bit of anime with Dee putting her homework back into her bag, getting ready to head back home. She hung out there with Dee more than she did at home

"Alright, see you later dee"


Y/n and Dee stood near each other staying silent, until she kissed him on the cheek quickly moving away and carefully leaving his window. Dee stood there with blush covering his face as he held his hand on the place she kissed

His mouth slightly twitched into a smile as he sat on the edge of his window, Today was as surprising as it could be

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