"Supportive Department"

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"Smooth." The voice came from his shirt pocket. Adrain zipped into the bathroom, checking for anyone who might be there, then locked the door. 

"S-shut up, Plagg!" The Kwami flew out from where he was hiding.

"You want her to like you, right?" He was doubling over in laughter. The boy gave him a look.

"She just... makes me nervous." 

"Now you know how she feels!" Adrien sighed, leaning against a stall.

"Why do I make her so uncomfortable? I just want to get to know her better!"

"Try spending more time with her, she'll warm up eventually."

"You know what my father is like..." Gabriel Agreste was not a force to be reconned with. If he had it his way, Adrien wouldn't even be going to school. Witch meant he wouldn't have friends. Witch meant he would have never met Marinette... Ladybug, maybe, but not Marinette.  Something about no knowing her other half, sent a terrible feeling throughout him.

Even going to school, Adrien never hung out with his friends. They'd make plans, sure. But his father always made him cancel at the last minute. The situation was pretty much hopeless. Marinette was never going to warm up to him if they couldn't hang out.

"Adrien..." The Kwami smirked. He looked over, questioning," Your father isn't here. He'll be gone the whole week! You have no shoots or Chinese lessons. Besides fencing, your schedule is clear. Take the time you have now. Invite her over!"

Adrien just stared at Plagg. Since when was he... supportive? Kind?

"...you're right. You're right! I'm going to hang out with her every day this week!" He grabbed his Kwami and hugged him, "I'm liking this new Plagg." The creature groaned.

Adrien smiled. Where should I bring her tonight? Maybe we could play video games. Or maybe watch a movie! Or maybe... No. Marinette is uncomfortable around me. We should do something with Alya and Nino, too. 

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