Desperate For Help

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Alya glanced at her watch, 8:08. When she looked back up, she saw Adrien nervously walking towards her.

Wing D was near the back of the building, where all the art and music rooms were. There was rarely anyone here before second period, as that's when Monsieur Lambert had his first art class. Band, orchestra, and chorus were all before and after school activities, so this was the perfect place to chat.

"So," She asked, "What did you want to talk about?" She already knew, of course. It was obvious to her that he held affections for Marinette that went deeper than friendship. However, the boy was so blonde that he failed to realize it for himself, until now it seemed. She could tell from the way he talked about and looked at her best friend, even just the way he carried himself today. It was so blatantly obvious that he had noticed his feelings for the girl.

"Um, its actually about..Marinette." Shocker there.

"Oh really?" Alya shipped Adrienette even more than she shipped Ladynoir. (But she could never tell Mari that at risk of getting slapped. Now that she knew her friend was Ladybug, shipping her with the leather suited flirt was no longer allowed. What the bluenette didn't know, was this opened a whole other world of ships for Alya to gawk about, including Marichat and Ladrien.) But as it seemed, Adrinette was the one that was going to work out in the end, not that she was mad about it.

"Yeah, I know you're her best friend and all, but what I'm going to tell you cannot be repeated to her! Even if she starts to feel the same way... I want to tell her myself. Capiche?" Alya snorted, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Did you really just say 'Capiche'?" Adrien rolled his eyes

"Just, promise me?"

"Sure." And she meant it. It wouldn't mean as much to Marinette coming from Alya as it would coming from Adrien. So, she could wait for the big confession.

"Ok..." The blonde breathed, "I...I have a-a crush on her..." He said, looking down at his sneakers.

"On whom? I have no idea who you're talking about" She teased.


"What about her?"

"I HAVE A CRUSH ON MARINETTE!" He shouted, annoyed. Thank God they met in wing D, or a bunch of kids might have heard him.

"So, he finally admits it." Alya crossed her arms, chuckling.

"W-what?" Adrien looked back up, red as a rose.

"Oh, come on, Adrien! It's so obvious! Ever since me and Nino started dating, something shifted. You've liked her for at least a year now, probably more than that. Even when you were dating Kagami, you seemed to put Marinette's needs before your own girlfriend's." She threw her hands up, "Honestly, it took you this long to realize that?"

"...I had a crush on Ladybug." Adrien muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"W-what did you say?"

"I had a crush on Ladybug, you know that?" Alya raised her eyebrows, she didn't know this, "I admired her confidence, the way she put Paris before herself. She was my... celebrity crush" He said that last part with a tone that the girl couldn't quite make out, "It was... intense, to say the least. Heh. I had action figures, shirts, and I checked the Ladyblog almost every day."

"Why...why are you telling me this?" she said, slowly. Does he know? She had to be cautious with her words. If he didn't and she accidentally hinted at it, this would end badly.

"I think I was so wrapped up in my 'feelings' for Ladybug that I failed to notice my crush on Mari. I kinda put Ladybug on a pedestal, but... Marinette is real. She's always helping people, she's so kind and creative and talented! But the thing I like most about her, is her flaws," Adrien said, recalling everything his lady told him about her civilian life.

"How so?" Alya asked.

"I know she stutters when she gets nervous, and can get angry sometimes. She's insecure and self-conscious, she doesn't understand how beautiful she really is. But that just makes her more real. Because the way she can overcome all her fears for the people she loves... it's so inspiring. She's so amazing..." Adrien trailed off," I wish I could be there for her, get to know her better, too. But I know I make her nervous and I want to fix that!"

Alya didn't know what to say. He had just spilled his guts to her and said some of the most beautiful things she'd ever heard. No one has ever said that about Marinette, not even Luka. Everyone admired her, sure (Apart from Chloe and Lila) But no one's expressed it the way he just did.

"So, is that way you wanted to talk? You want help getting closer to her?"

"Yes." Adrien breathed, "If you would. I just want her to get comfortable around me. So maybe one day, she might see me as more than... just a friend" His head hung low.

Alya's heart practically shattered. She wanted so badly to scream 'She does! Adrien, she likes you so much!' But she couldn't. That was for Marinette to say.

"Of course, Adrien. I think she would really like that." His whole face lit up, and he ran to her, squeezing the poor girl into a suffocating hug.

"Thank you, Alya! Thank you so much!" He let her go and smiled brightly. His green eyes were full of excitement and joy. The blogger had never seen him so happy before, "My father is on a business trip until next Monday, so this week would be perfect! He can't stop me from being with my friends when he's in China!"

"That sounds great! Let's head back to class and brainstorm something we can all do together. Maybe with some other friends too. The more people in the room, the less 'stuttery' she'll get. I'll make sure you two spend plenty of time together too, but not so much that it makes her uncomfortable. We can even get Nino in on it!"

She started walking, still rambling about her plans. Adrien checked his phone. Only ten minutes before the period ended. Only ten more minutes before he got to see Marinette.

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