[04] ms. magma, part 2

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there was no one left in the common room on monday night, just as izuku had expected. it was perfect--because tonight was the night that he was going to ask [y/n] about her quirk.

was he so nervous that he kept pacing his dorm room, watching the minutes tick down instead of doing his homework? yes.

had he received sticky notes since wednesday? also yes. and so the idea of him being nervous felt stupid, because in actuality they had already talked a lot.

even during class now, when [y/n] wasn't sneakily sticking stickers onto the back of sero hanta's [quirk: tape] hair, she was now looking at him.

he wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel flattered when she pretended to flip him off, but he most definitely was.

and so now they were sitting in the common room, on separate couches, and izuku was trying to remember how to breathe.

"so what does it feel like?" he asked. "when your quirk is activated?"

"hmm." she thought for a moment. "well, it always tastes funny, sort of like metal but also just like burnt toast. most of the time it feels like a bomb has gone off in my chest--but not necessarily in a way that it hurts. it's apart of me so it just feels like me. i imagine it feels like what it would feel like if you were stuck in the engine of a jet." she smiled then, giving him her bright, big eyes, which had izuku had noticed indicated that she was about to try and be funny. "or--i imagine it feels like what food feels like in the microwave."

he laughed. "how did you learn to fly?"

"oh, hawks kept shoving me off buildings until i figured it out." she paused, her finger on her chin. "but also i wouldn't really call it flying."

"no," izuku laughed lightly. "i mean--how do you do it?"

"oh," she yawned, stretching her arms over her head. "i honestly don't really know? whenever my quirk is activated, i've had to learn to only heat up the outer parts of myself so that i don't melt my guts and insides like soup. then i focus the heat to propel myself, if that makes sense."

"can you melt yourself fully?" it was a question izuku had been wondering about. he wanted to see her melt into a puddle.

"yeah!" she grinned at how excited he got over that one, but there was also more to her answer. "but i can't."

izuku's face fell and he pouted like a child. "why not?"

"i don't know if i could pull myself out of it!" she laughed. "i've gotten to be too self aware of my quirk. when i was little though, i would melt down all the time. especially when i would play hide and seek."

that made izuku smile. he was envisioning a mini [y/n] with chubby cheeks and wild hair. GAHH!!! that's so ADORABLE!!

"here, though. i will show you this."

[y/n] got up and walked over to his couch, and she sat down so close that her knee touched his thigh, not that he was looking at her bare legs. he could smell her perfume and her shampoo. it made him feel all giddy and tingly inside.

he watched as she closed her eyes and then to his delight, strands of her hair began to ignite and lift off of her shoulders in ignition. she looked like a christmas tree. she looked like her hair was made of candles.

"tada!" she said, opening her eyes to see what he was thinking as he looked at her trick. "candle hair."

"you're beautiful," he said, obviously and stupidly, his eyes wide and mouth open. 

he saw the heat rise in her cheeks as she looked away, the flames in her hair going out as she scooted away. "thanks."

biting his lip, izuku couldn't think of what else to do but awkwardly start scribbling notes into is notebook, trying to avoid looking at her, because he knew if he did, he would probably burst into flames.

"hey..." she said after a moment and he felt his gut sink. "while you keep asking me question, i'm going to draw you a picture."

before he could disagree, [y/n] ran from the room to her dorm, grabbing paper and a pen before coming back and sitting in her spot across the room.

izuku was now unbearably aware of how far away she was, but he started asking her more questions, the awkwardness disappearing from his voice.

"quirks of your parents?"

"my dad can melt things with his hands, my mom can turn her muscles into rock."


"yeah. my mom's a milf."

izuku didn't know what a milf was, but he wrote it down anyways. 

"why do you want to become a hero?"

the question made her stop drawing. [y/n] thought for a moment, before shrugging. "to be honest? i never saw myself as a hero when i was younger. all i knew what that i wanted to help people. but my parents...and now hawks--and now you--well, you've helped me see that my quirk can be powerful enough to actually do just that."

she met izuku's eyes, a smile on her face. "i know that's lame--and it is lame--but if i'm really being honest, i wouldn't mind not being the number one pro hero. as long as i'm there, doing what i'm supposed to do, which is help others, then i don't care what rank i'm in."

izuku just stared at her. he had never thought of it that way, probably because his role model had always been all might, who had always been number one.

"don't get me wrong tho," she added sheepishly. "i'll still give it my all."

izuku smiled at that, and as he finished writing everything down, [y/n] came and sat close to him again, holding the picture up like it was the greatest piece of art in all human history.

and to izuku, it was.

in one moment, he was crying, hugging it to his chest, and then the next he was laughing so hard he nearly peed his pants

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in one moment, he was crying, hugging it to his chest, and then the next he was laughing so hard he nearly peed his pants.

"what's that?" he asked, pointing to the image on the right.

"that's you in your hero costume..." [y/n] said, confused as to why he was acting the way that he was, and also shy at the fact that he wasn't able to tell what she'd drawn.

"or that?" he pointed to the left.

"that's broccoli..."

"BROCCOLI!?" he was laughing so hard, [y/n] started laughing too.

"it's for your hair!"

izuku was laughing, laughing, laughing.

"i know it's not that good," [y/n] said, hiding her face in her hands. "laugh all you like."

"are you kidding??" he asked, grabbing her hands so he could see her face. she still wouldn't meet his eyes, so he grabbed her chin gently and forced her to. he spoke in the most serious, confident voice he could muster. 

"i love it."

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