chapter 1(edited)

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(Hey guys I tried a new writing style and I think I'm going to stick to the normal, it's just it takes a lot of time to get these types of stories done and I have actually worked for over a year for this one tho if you like these then Ill try and post such type of stories but the updates would be longer and thanks for all your support😀)

Author pov~

Omega were incredibly valuable.

Incredibly valuable yet utterly worthless at the same time. They were valuable because of their rarity, for their ability to bear children in spite of being male. Worthless because for all that the stories talked about how amazing sharing an Omega's heat could be, they couldn't be put to work as whores either, being bound to the first person who took them. When taken away from this person, they would wither away and die like the pathetic creatures they actually were.

Still, their rarity made them the most sought after beings in the entire world. The biggest villages and the smallest towns always eagerly awaited a new birth, praying that this one would be an Omega, so that they could sell them to the highest bidder if the need ever arose. Having an Omega in your midst was like sitting on a giant pile of gold: fame, glory and richness would be yours if you could get your hands on an Omega - either for yourself or to give them to someone when you were in need of a huge favour.

Konoha was a town hidden deep within a forest, close to one of the biggest lakes in the country. Their location saw the inhabitants rather far removed from the other towns and villages; the nearest town still took four days of travelling to reach it. Fortunately, the gods were merciful and the town was quite self-sufficient, able to provide most goods and food themselves. What they couldn't make or create on their own would be bought in one of the towns on the other end of the forest, traded for with their goods.

Not only were they amongst the most self-sufficient towns to exist, they also had the incredible fortune to be in possession of an Omega.

He was a raven haired boy with eyes as black as the midnight sky and a body so lean and slim one wondered how he was able to keep upright during the harsh storms of autumn and winter. His Omega-hood had been discovered by the town's leader Danzo, back when the boy had been four years old.

The previous leader, Sarutobi, had died after a long battle against the fever and Danzo had been on his way home after paying his last respects when he'd passed a small house, barely more than a cottage near the southern border of the town. It being the height of summer everyone had taken to seeking out ways to cool themselves down. Such had been the case for the Uchiha family. The wife, Uchiha Mikoto, had been chasing her youngest son around, trying to get him to stand still so she could wipe his face clean. The boy had been running around, laughing madly, in just a pair of thin trousers, leaving his small chest bare and vulnerable to the stinging hot sun.

It was then that Danzo had seen it: the Omega Seal as scholars had come to call it. The Omega Seal was most similar to a brand on one's skin, but a brand they were born with. It could be found anywhere on the body: on the forehead, the arm, the shoulders, the back, the legs, the belly ... They were always rather intricate designs somehow, impossible to be mistaken for birth marks. And the little raven boy was in possession of such a Seal: a spiral with three what looked like tomeo on his shoulder, a faint red as if it had been inked upon his ivory skin.

A month after Danzo had made the discovery, both the Omega's parents and their 1st born itachi died an unexpected death. Somehow they had ingested poison and while there had been an investigation, trying to find out how on earth the poisoning had occurred when both Mikoto and Fugaku knew their way around plants, unlikely to ingest anything that might show even the slightest hint of toxic traits, nothing worthwhile had been uncovered. It must sadly have been just pure bad luck.

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