chapter 2

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this update is so quick.
i had it written down so why not! Hope you guys enjoy the 2nd chapter. i couldn't help but smile while writing this because every girl who's had a crush has felt this way. tell me what you think?

happy reading


2 weeks had passed by and I often found myself lost in his trance commemorating his perfection, his pearly white teeth, his catastrophic eyes and his aura but there was no sign of him.

I’m on my way to the library everyday hoping that my eyes would get to grace his presence but I was unfortunate. Just like any other day in the past 2 weeks I’m on my way to the library with the same wish in my heart to see him again.

My clouds of thoughts were disrupted by the ringing of my phone. The caller ID bought a frown to my face. It was my ex-boyfriend whose name was still saved as “boyfriend’’ on my phone. I had to change that soon. I quickly rejected the call because I was in no mood to hear his monotonous voice. He had already called 25 times since yesterday for god knows what reason. Aggravating!

I had just stepped into the library where I saw Zac waiting querulously.  As soon as he saw me he mouthed “Andrew’s here” to me. That small phrase caused an adrenaline rush throughout my body due to excitement.

My eyes scanned the library and I saw Andrew between the shelves searching for a book. His hands traced various books and his eyes examined keenly. He wore a green polo and khaki pants that were well fitted and since that day, green is my beloved color.

The dismal library seemed to light up in his presence. He turned his head around and his eyes caught mine. As a reflex my eyes went a little wide and I felt heat creeping up to my cheeks. I spun around quickly and hid behind a shelf hitting my head in the process.

God! I’m so dumb! I rummaged through my bag and took out my pocket mirror and my tube of lipstick and quickly applied it. I had to look good if I had to impress him.

First of all I need to calm down and recollect my thoughts. Oh my god he must be thinking of me as a wimp or a crazy stalker. No Jessica, stay calm you still have a chance honey! Be confident! Don’t stutter and …don’t make a fool out of yourself. You got this.

I assured myself and walked to my issue desk. I placed my phone on the table and intolerantly waited for him to come and issue his chosen book. I saw him walking towards my desk and then i looked at Zac who grinned at me and showed me an all the best sign. 

Andrew placed “a midsummer night’s dream” on the table to return it and “An imperial affliction” to issue it. He then smiled at me that cause my heart to palpitate. OMG HE SMILED AT ME! DID YOU SEE THAT HE SMILED AT ME! HE SMILED AT JESSICA MARY SANTIAGO! OHMYGOD WHAT IS THIS LIFE!

I wanted to jump around and scream but I decided against it. I issued the book and placed it back on the table for him to collect. Is he going to leave? Why isn’t he saying something? Say something please? Or should I say something? What should I say? Should I tell him that his t shirt is nice? Omg why can’t I just disappear?

As I continued to argue with my brain, Andrew parted his lips in an attempt to say something but was interrupted by my phone’s annoying ringtone. We both glanced at my phone on the table at the same time and the caller ID read “boyfriend”

NO SHIT SHERLOCK THIS CAN’T HAPPEN! I quickly rejected the call but too late… he already saw the caller ID. His expression slightly changed…he grabbed the book and walked away. I was so confused by the whole situation that I was tongue-tied to even say something. I wanted to tell him that I don’t have a boyfriend but he had already left. I wanted the ground to part so that I could jump inside and die!

Zac who was watching everything walked up to me and said “guess luck’s just not in your favor, but there’s always a next time sweetie… tell him the next time you meet him” as he rubbed my back.

I let out a frustrated groan. Am I ever going to talk to him?

I know I had to wait till I saw him again and clear all the confusion.  wait he doesn't even care? maybe he does?

days past by. i kept replaying the situation in my head. i could have avoided the confusion by picking up the call and asking my jackass of a boyfriend to fuck-off!

 He came back 5 days later looking as handsome as ever... but this time he wasn’t alone.  He walked into the library with his arm wrapped around a girl’s waist…his girlfriend? did you hear something shatter?

yes those were my hopes, desires and dreams....and my heart.

my love story ended even before it could start.

dun dun dun

whats gonna happen now? is that andrew's girlfriend? is andrew ever gonna know that jessica doesn't have a boyfriend?

stay tuned for some real kickass drama

vote comment and ignore typos please*puppy eyes*


p.s: follow me on twitter: @1d_af90

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