Chapter 2- Familia

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Vincenzo's POV

I had  finished sorting out the mafia work and just sat down for a glass of whiskey but my phone suddenly rung. I groaned and checked it, I saw that it was an unknown number. I sighed and answered the phone.


"Hello, I am Officer Micheal from New york. Am I speaking to Vincenzo Montez?"

"Yes, now what is it?"

I heard him gulp before answering. 

Good. He was scared

"Sir, we have found your daughter here with her mother and her boyfriend but sadly both of them passed away from a tragic accident so now we need to know if you want to take custody of your daughter."

They found my tesoro (treasure). Oh long I had looked for her since that bitch Maria took her away.

My Bebita. (Babygirl)

"Of course I want to take custody of her. I will be there tomorrow with my sons."

"Alright sir, I checked the timings and by the time you will arrive she will be in school so you will directly have to go there."

"Perfect. please send me the address of the school we'll be there."

"Alright, have a nice night."

I hung up the phone and spoke in the intercom for all the boys to meet me in the living room.

I waited in the living room for 2 minutes before I heard the familiar footsteps of my sons.

All my sons were here seated in the rooms.

I sighed "Alright, so I called you all here because I have some good news for all of you" I said smiling, happiness taking over my features.

"Wait, Am I dreaming or is dad actually smiling?" My youngest son, Xavier, asked.

I rolled my eyes at my son but could not control the shit-eating grin on my face.

"Shut up and you'll get to know." i said and he held his hands up in a surrender motion.

"So I got a call today from New york police station. Your little sister is alive and Maria is dead." I stated bluntly.

All their jaws dropped to the goddam floor honestly it was pretty funny.

"And I am going to pick her up tomorrow with Ricardo and Mateo."

"Oh come on"
"I want to see my Ninera" (Baby sister)
"I am coming as well"

"Enough boys" I said, putting an end to their comments. "Ricardo, Mateo and I are going and that is final. Both of you" I said  and pointed at  Ricardo and  Mateo "go pack essentials and a pair of clothes we are leaving in an hour."

"Ok dad" My 2 eldest sons replied and went off to pack.

"Rest of you go to bed, Its 12 at night."

I heard a chorus of 'Fine dad' and 'Night dad'

Returned the gesture to  sons and went to my room to pack. I grabbed a black suit with a black tie and white shirt and put it in a  duffle bag. I also put 2 guns in the bag and some essentials.


Ricardo,  Mateo and  I board the private jet at around 4am since I had got the call around 2:30. The flight was filled with complete utter silence other than some basic questions  asked by my  sons. 

None of us could fall asleep, thinking about our little angel. Eventually Mateo fell asleep at 7am and Ricardo at 8am.

Me? I was awake the whole time. Most nights  for me were sleepless, searching for my daughter or just thinking about the past.


At the school

The three of us arrived at the school and went to the principal's office. 

"Adriana's biological family?"


"Alright, I'll call her  in."

He was about to press the intercom, a girl came in, crying with a broken nose, jaw and 2 black eyes. Well damn. I wonder who did it.

"Adriana did this to me sir." She said.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. My Adriana did this?

The principal sighed. "You should know what you are dealing with."

He then went on to call Adriana from the intercom. We waited for 5 mins when she came in.

Oh my god. She is beautiful. I'm definitely going to have to keep these teenage hormonal boys. She's got my black hair and tan skin but she got her mom's beautiful brown eyes. Her face was emotionless and she sat on the chair in front of the principal and put her legs on top of his table. 

"Alright Harry why was I called here."

"How many times have I told you to call me Mr. Williams. Anyway, why did you stab Mrs. Brown and beat up Ms. Garcia."

"Mrs. Brown is a sexist bitch and called me a slut and whore so I stabbed her and Emily here brought up my family issues. Also Emily get the fuck out right now before you end up dead." 

Adriana said in the deadliest tone I had ever heard. Emily whimpered and rushed out of the office. 

"Adriana, I have some bad news for you. Your mother and her boyfriend died in a car accident."

Adriana had no change in her expression which made me think about her parenting or Adriana felt a wave of emotions but does not want to show it. 

"Ok. Will I go to an orphanage or what?"

"No. You will be living with your father and brothers."

"You're confused. My father died and I know for a fact that I do not have any brothers."

"Well the thing this, your father never died and you do in fact have brothers and they are right here."

"Hi tesoro, I am your father Vincenzo Montez and these are two of your brothers Ricardo and Mateo" (treasure)

A look of recognition passed on her face but she shook it off and just nodded.

"Ok. Let's go to my house and get my stuff."

"Of course mi hija" (My daughter)


Hey guys

Ooooo Adriana does not remember her father and brothers, let's how this goes.

How do you think they will react to her wealth?


Till the next chapter. Love ya'll and thank you for giving my book a chance.

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