Chapter 7- CEO Bitch

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"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU XANDER NOAH MONTEZ" I run down the stairs and chase Xander all around the fucking mansion till I finally pin him on the kitchen floor

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"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU XANDER NOAH MONTEZ" I run down the stairs and chase Xander all around the fucking mansion till I finally pin him on the kitchen floor.

You must be wondering how we got into this situation. Well I was peacefully sleeping and Xander decided to pour freezing cold water on me which lead to right now.

"Damn, she brought out the government name," Xavier and Alessandro snickered.

"Princesa, let your brother go and eat your breakfast. You need to go to work right?" Papa said.

"Fine," I grumbled.

I sat down and glared at Xander, who cowered away form my gaze. Mateo places a plate of pancakes and cut up strawberries in front of me and places whipped cream and maple syrup bottles next to the plate.

I gasp and say, "Omg, you're the best."

"That is very unhealthy," Giovanni says while pouring his green smoothie in a glass.

I pout and take a big bite of my syrup filled pancake and glare at him, daring him to say something else against my babies.

"At least it does not look like puke," I say referring to his ugly ass smoothie.

He probably said something snarky but I just shrugged and ate my pancakes in bliss.

"Thank you so much Mat."

I go up to my room and take a shower. I wear a white knit tank top, black suit pants, black belt and a black blazer that I throw over my shoulders. I am more covered up than usual because I want to ease my family into this. Usually I would wear a sheer or lacy top. I do my make-up and wear my YSL heels.

 I do my make-up and wear my YSL heels

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I leave my natural straight hair and once I'm satisfied with how I look, I walk down the stairs to see absolutely no one

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I leave my natural straight hair and once I'm satisfied with how I look, I walk down the stairs to see absolutely no one. Oh wait, Today is Monday. The twins and Alessandro must have gone to school while the rest went to work.

I walk out and step into my Lamborghini Diamante.

I walk out and step into my Lamborghini Diamante

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The door to my office swings open and lift my head up to see my PA, Sage. "Ma'am, you have a meeting with Lombardi Holdings in 5 minutes."

"You can let them in once they arrive," I say.

Five minutes later there is a knock on my door followed by the Giuseppe Lombardi.

"Hello, Ms. Esperanza"

"Giuseppe Lombardi," I say with a nod. "Please have a seat."

He nods back and sits

-30 minutes later-

"Pleasure doing business with you," Guiseppe says as we shake hands.

"Same to you," I say.

He exits the office and I sit back down and open my laptop to work on the latest design.

-2 hours later-

I park my car and head up to my bedroom. I am so tired, my neck hurts so much from bending my neck to edit the new design. I throw my blazer on the bed and enter the shower. I sigh as the scalding hot water pours down my back. I tilt my head back and let the water drip down my hair. I grab my shampoo and quirt some on my palm and massage it in my scalp.

Half and hour later I wrap a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. I put a sweatshirt and sweatpants on and flop on the bed, lying like a starfish.


"Adriana? Princesa, wake up. It's time for dinner."

I am shaken awake by dad who is looking down at me with a smile.

I groan and say, "I'm not hungry papa. I need sleep."

"Adriana, No. You had a long day at work and you need food or else I'm not letting you go to the office tomorrow."

That woke me up. I sat up and said, "You can't do that. The new collection is coming tomorrow and I need to make sure that everything has been stitched perfectly. Besides, I also have a model shoot tomorrow."

He shrugged. "Then I guess you better wake up and get down for dinner."

I groan and fall back on the bed but remembering dad's threat, I jump out of bed and start walking down the stairs.

I know I am all rumpled and I have a really bad bed hair. I enter the dining room grumpily, my arms crossed. My brothers look up at me and start to snicker. I glare at them and instead of stopping they burst out in hysterics. I roll my eyes and sit on the chair next to Giovanni. I help myself with some spaghetti and meatballs. We eat in complete silence and as soon as I'm done I scrape the chair back and leave the dining room and go back to my bedroom.

End of chapter

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