Chapter 4

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"You know, that was so damn rude, even for you Sonic."

Rose scolds him as they leave to go to English together. "What? That Shadow guy is such a jerk." Sonic grumbles back at her. "All he was doing was sitting next to me. What did he ever do to you?" Rose asks in an irritated tone. Sonic had been taking digs and suggesting fights to Shadow and even Silver the entire lunchtime, and Rose is confused and also incredibly annoyed at his behaviour towards her new friends. Sure, he has always been overprotective, but this was the first time he had actively tried to fight people for no reason. Unfortunately for her, she hadn't seen Amy Rose whispering in Sonic's ear the entire time, which probably didn't help the situation. "He just thinks he can waltz in here, with that 'I'm better than you' attitude. It really annoys me." Sonic complains, and Rose raises an eyebrow. What is up with him today? First Knuckles was acting strange, and now Sonic is getting all weird. She sighs, will Amy ever grow up? "Yeah, I get that he has a sense of arrogance about him, but asides from that, he's actually alright." She shrugs, trying to stay neutral and keep the peace. "I mean his first impression wasn't great, but he's probably just nervous." She hopes that Sonic will at least respect her view of the new kid. But she gets quite the opposite of what she had hoped. "Don't defend him just because he's just like Grayson, Rose." Sonic spits at her bitterly, and that is when Rose freezes in shock. That was a very personal dig at her. She stands right in front of him to block his path, the two now face to face. Her teeth are now gritted into a snarl, Sonic had gone too far this time. "You know what, I don't know what's up your ass today Sonic the Hedgehog, but enjoy English by yourself!" She yells at him, and Sonic freezes. Rose has never yelled at him like this before.

 Rose huffs her quills out of her face and storms off down the corridor towards the English classroom. As she disappears around a corner, Tails comes running up to him. "I heard Rose yelling, is everything okay Sonic?" He asks and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. Sonic just looks hurt, they'd had arguments for sure, but nothing this serious. He starts to feel bad about what he said about Grayson, but he doesn't want to admit it. "I was only being a prick because I wanted to protect her..." Sonic trails off, and Tails moved to stand in front of him, surprised. Sonic has never said anything so heartfelt like that before. "Don't tell me that you have a crush on-" He starts, but is quickly interrupted. "No no Tails! Rosie is my sister! I just didn't like how cosy those two newbies were getting to her. Especially that Shadow guy." Sonic spits his name like a foul taste in his mouth, and Tails knows that nothing has changed. This is such a huge relief. Tails would have a problem on his hands if Sonic started getting feelings for Rose. "Well, maybe you should tell her that, she seems pretty mad at you." Tails suggests, and Sonic just laughs, slapping his hand off his shoulder. "Tails, we've known Rosie since we were kids, she doesn't want me to explain to her!" He continues to laugh, and Tails raises a confused eyebrow. "She just wants me to act like it never happened!" He says confidently, to him it's the best solution to any problem ever. Sonic then speeds off to class, Tails being left behind to sigh and rub his temples. He really wished that his spiky best friend would just see the bigger picture.

In class...

Sonic bounces through the door happily, ready to put his plan into action. He spies Rose in their usual spot, up the back and next to the window. Sonic strides over to the empty seat next to her with a smirk on his face. But as soon as Rose sees Sonic, she calls Silver over, and the new kid takes his spot! Sonic gives them both a confused look, what in Mobius is going on here?! Everything is all good! Right? "Hey Rosie, what's the deal?!" He asks her as he leans on the occupied desk, ignoring Silver completely. "Silver is sitting here today." Rose answers coldly and avoids his gaze, opening up her textbooks. "But...but that's my seat!" Sonic complains. Hearing this, Rose raises a disapproving eyebrow in his direction. "You just think you can waltz in here, with that 'that's my seat' attitude. That really annoys me." Rose spits his own quote about Shadow back in his face. Sonic backs off in shock. He looks around in a confused fashion, frantically trying to find a seat that's free. His eyes lock on a table up the front of the class. Unfortunately for him, it's next to Amy. He sighs, dragging his feet on the ground in a reluctant fashion. He slumps down next to her, grumbling and muttering curses under his breath. He's really not in the mood for her clingy attitude. "Hey Amy." He mumbles a greeting. Satisfied that he's made an effort to be nice, he goes into his bag to get his books. "SONIC!" Amy squeals in his ears, making them ring as she throws her arms around him. Sonic tenses up and then rolls his eyes. Rose is pissed off at him for no reason, Silver is in his seat, and he has to sit next to Amy for the period. All this misfortune has put the blue speedster in the foulest of moods. He hangs over his desk in defeat, sighing again. He has no idea how this day could get any worse! "Alright class, I'm giving you a shared assignment, your partners will be the students sitting next to you."


Amy squeals again and hugs him. This time, she squeezes the life out of him in one powerful grasp. Sonic groans in frustration. He had spoken way too soon. Now he is stuck with Amy Rose for the next two weeks or so. The worst part of all, he has to see her outside of school. "I'm going to kill myself before the assignment does." He mutters under his breath. He was so used to Rose doing all the work for him, and he knows for sure that Amy was going to work him like a dog.

No offloading whatsoever.

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