Chapter 52

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Jacob sat with me in my own boat while Charlie floated in his with his friend. So much for spending time together. He had invited Jacob thinking that maybe I'd like the company while we spend long hours doing practically nothing. Although him laughing with his friend over stories that i couldn't hear was worth it enough. It's the idea that was here, i told myself, that would make it worth it for him even if I'm not completely satisfied with it.

I didn't know how to fish so Jacob was in charge of the fishing poles. I watched him add the bait and toss the line into the water. I just sat there contributing nothing at all.

"Glad Charlie invited me. Didn't think I'd see you again before you left... you are leaving for college right? And not..."

"No, Jake...Not changing into a vampire yet."

He scowled, "Yet? then we didn't do it right. To keep you human."

Sighing I stretched out my back before slumping over again, elbows resting on legs, "No, it worked. I bought myself time but it's nothing permanent and the moment Bella comes back she'll scream at the idea of being two years older than Edward. Like you would even be able to tell the age difference once she turns."

"You can't let her do that! There must be something that you can do. Something to stop her."

"If anyone could stop her, please introduce me to them. I tried enough already."

"So you're giving up. Just like that." He kept his voice even and low so he wouldn't get the adults attention. 

I shrugged, "There's nothing more that I could do."

"There must be something!" 

Jacob rocked the boat. The water splashed up and I clutched the edge of the boat to keep myself balanced. "There must be something more! You can't just give up! Not when she hardly got a chance to live! Not when I haven't—"

"Haven't what?" I hissed, "don't say you haven't tried! You tried already! She already chose Edward over you."

"You don't know that."

"Jake please," i groaned, "I can't swim. Stop rocking the boat."

Jacob stopped but i could feel the heat radiating off his shaking body. I turned over to look at Charlie. He was reeling in a potential catch. 

"... When are you leaving?" Jacob asked.

"Whenever things get settled. Four months minimum. Six months max i guess. Unless I decide to start a winter course to catch up and not miss a semester. Then it can be in two months. So I can settle down and start in December."

"Hold off for as long as you can."

I snorted, "oh sure, I'll make sure to beat Bella back down into whatever box she's stored in for the rest of her life until i die an old woman. What a wonderful life she's lived."

"We can figure things out together."

"Enough, Jake... I'm tired. I know you want to help but I know what Bella wants... and for the past couple months I've been so consumed with trying not to vanish and not to be a vampire that I haven't been enjoying my time here at all... I've missed too much... I bought Bella time... but things will happen as they are meant to. I just want to fish today... so can you please, please not talk about this."

"I can't just give up on her," he said. 

"You're not but I also don't want you to get hurt and upset over this either... can you just... i don't know... be my friend and worry about it when Bella returns?"

He set his jaw, stubborn, hardheaded, angry but closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He leaned his head back and groaned, "fine."


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