Chapter 68

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Despite what he wanted to do, Augie found himself explaining everything about Izzy leaving. Everything relevant to it anyways. Which resulted in the Cullens finally getting an explanation about the giant dragon they saw that day. It was so huge it towered over the tree tops, nearly reaching the heights of the mountain beside it. Of course, the vampires saw it from where they were. It was hard to miss.

So here, was when Augie had to be careful. So he said it in a way that it wouldn't back fire on him. He just had to lie a little... not that he was ever good at lying. So he also had to keep things closer to the truth.

"Isabella, made a demand of me. She wanted to go so I can save Simon... so I did that for her. I had the power to do that for her... it was easy to do it because Simon and I are connected as one and Simon had connected her to him so she was indirectly connected to me as well..."

Augie pressed his lips together, "Only Iz, would be able to ask of us for something this big..."

He didn't want the Cullens to get the idea that they would be able to ask for her back, if they wanted her back... which they might, so he emphasized it was only her. Because they were joined. 

"Then can you feel her?" Alice asked.


"Is she okay?" Esme worried.

He doesn't know.

"Will she be happy?" Jasper chimed in. 

Simon smiled at that. He doesn't know either but he said, "she'll be fine... because she's Iz. When is she ever not fine."

Then the smile vanished and his face fell back to it's usual stoicism as he added, "you should prepare for Bella's return. I'm sure she won't take that long to go hunting."

Carlisle stepped in for a moment. His eyes assessing Simon. "Are you okay, Simon?" He asked.

Simon had little to no time to think. He just responded with the first thing that popped into his head, "I'm starved."

Theo shoved him a little bit. "two years in the ground would do that to you," he tried to joke but no one was laughing. It wasn't something one could easily accept. Life beyond a guaranteed death.

Simon yawned again his body heavy and stiffer than he would like to admit. He couldn't go far away enough to hunt animals so he had hunted in Forks. He had found the Stanley residence and took a bite out of Jessica's mother. He snorted to himself a little pleased. This is how stories come to be. Perhaps the mother would start to spread stories of a succubus flying in through her window without a sound as her husband slept next to her and gave her such a tentative kiss on her wrist that her feet curled and she felt drained... so drained she would have to go to the doctors the next day but it wasn't like he drained enough to kill her.

Why Jessica's mom? Because he couldn't find Jessica herself. Simon didn't like her. It was a petty thing.

Carlisle was able to smell the human blood on his lips. Simon didn't have an easy time of it. Out of practice, couldn't find the proper vein, and in a hurry. "And your body?" Carlisle asked.

"A little stiff," Simon answered but began to walk away before more questions were made. He stopped to take in Jacob a little bit. Staying close to the baby, keeping a close eye on Simon and waiting for Bella all at once.

Simon had no time for all of this. No energy to even try to understand what Iz could have possibly been thinking beyond the immediate benefits and repercussions of her actions.

Then there was a howl at the distance. Everyone perked up at it. A sudden worry passing everyone, albeit for very different things. There was a worry for the baby. A worry for Edward and Bella that had just stepped out. A worry for the possibility of a fight.

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