911 23 0

New York
keara POV

I was going to spend the day with beyonce apparently dad had something he needed to get to so he took blue off to her last day of school and rumi and sir was with grandma Tina I didn't go because I'm not comfortable enough to be with them yet but we were going to her label will I was waiting for her to finish getting dressed I sat on my phone downstairs new York was starting to get cold early November it was freezing cold outside not one sight of snow my phone chimed daniel sent a message before I could read it

"Keara come on let's go" bey said when I was about to reply told him I have to go get up following her out the door getting in the car her right after me "well would you look at this" she watch me head to toe

"blue said in there is like a freezer so don't ask, what am I going to do while your working?"

"you have your phone, your have legs and your a teenager once you don't exist the building do as you please just don't go live FaceTime your friends if you want just do it inside of the office this is still my work space after all and I don't need anyone knowing what I'm doing"

"so why am I going?"

"your my daughter you have an exception"

"My battery is low as hell damn" I said to myself looking at the percentage on 71% I blame solange should took my charger when we got back yesterday and she didn't give it back

"girl your not a sailor stop talking like that"

"Sorry" I mumbled "I forgot you got jumbo side ears"

"And you got jumbo side lips what about it"

"your getting slick beyonce"

"who's that?"

"You know I'm just playing I love you ma"

"that's what I thought" you see what happens when you spend time with someone

Aretha then came into my thoughts will she be arrested for taking me I mean she was a bitch at times but I still love her "what is going to happen when they find her"

"I don't know yet we haven't discuss that... but I have a question for you"

"I didn't give blue that snicker bar dad did" I rushed out


"oh umm never mind that what is your question" yep I just threw my father under the bus

"I'll talk with Shawn later about this chocolate. What do you want-

"honestly sleep"

"what do you want for christmas child why you always tryna cut me off"

"I don't cut you off" I crossed my arm

"Spoiled ass child" bey mumbled

"But I can't say it right good mothering right there"

"I'm grown"

"Whatever" I rolled my eye "I don't know what I want for Christmas surprise me"

"Just like your daddy"

"I've been told otherwise"

2 hours after...

"I'm bored" I whined spinning on the chair once more before looking around the office beyonce left me all alone apparently no one is to come in her office when she's not in here that left me lonely in here with a useless phone all my friends are busy Twitter only got people beefing and some other things trending

I got up walking towards the door poking my head out some people were sitting around dome were writing then ricky was too

I walked out going to explore the building passing some green rooms then one my way back I found the studio's one had a red light on above the door I walked in because if I remember she told me do as I please that girl Chloe was in there recording me being me walked in said hi to everyone and sat down on the sofa the otherside of the room

"Keara" bey called not looking back


"you missed me already"


"Chloe take a break try practicing the rap" she told her before calling me over "let's go get something to eat"

"what we getting"

"are to boogie for McDonald's?"

"I only want French fries"

"We're going to McDonald's and you want French fries?"

"I don't eat meat"

"I know that you said it before"

"good and I don't want their Sprite that's horrible"

"No sprite"

We left the building their was those camera people everywhere if I wasn't in a happy mood I would've knocked alla em out. over the couple of weeks with them I noticed that you need to have patience with them of course dad told me that but it's the same thing when we got to McDonald's she had Julius go get our food then we went back to her office

"I thought you were vegan" I asked her

"Who said that they lying"

"blue said you eat vegan food"

"You listen to everything blue tells you"

"she has answers to what I need"

"well no I'm not I have plant based diets every once in a while"

"So chloe seems like a good girl but she needs a little help"

"stay away from my artists"

"She's needs a lil tips here and there with those lyrics could use major help"

"no keara she'll get the hang of it soon"

"please can I help her you know my talent" she looked deep in though

"would you try to keep in your mind that its not your song"

"I guess"

"Then I guess you can be productive in here and please don't try to make this a habit the music industry isn't somewhere I want my kids"

"I'll try" we walked back in the studio control room they were sitting around doing their own thing

"chloe keara's gonna help you"

"Just know when you here keara carter spit bars she wrote it" I told bey

"I'm sure of that"

"Chloeeee" I sung out sitting next to her taking her she let go of her notepad and pen when I took them

"keara" if this lady call me one more time I might just scream

"mama please I know what I'm doing, can I here the beat?" I crossed out a line replaced it with 'keeping my foot their necks boy don't get attached' of course she still put in her lyrics I just told my honest truth if it fitted or not and for a second I forgot what bet said her next single was gonna be a hit the beat was dope too I also helped her with her raps she wasn't taking breaths that's why she was messing up before but the day went along I guess her job wasn't so boring after all


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