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"Bey the girl is fine you worry to much her a Juelz are on the court making some video"

"I'm in a whole other state solo I am going to worry she hasn't left my side since we got her back"

"It's been almost a year beyonce now if you really want to know how your daughter is feeling I suppose you call her phone instead of being a stalker mom"

"She told me don't call we made a deal and I agreed I don't want to break that"

"I'm going to spoil my niece say hi to the husband and kids for me" I ended the call walking out to the driveway

Keara is a pretty normal kid she rather stay home and play ball other that spending all the luxury at hand on her birthday I can't believe the kid is already 14 I wonder how life in philly was for her she did say that one time she attended make in America with her friends she had the stand there an hour watching beyonce be 'freaky' like she has no kids and now that she knows it's her mother she's scarred she said that last night when she got here

"Hey solo you plan on stop watching us anytime soon"

"Nope but I'd like if you actually come eat something healthy"

"I did"

"You did? What'd you eat?"

"Julez got me waffles from the waffle house"

"Because julez didn't know that it was her birthday so it was a make it up to you breakfast" he added in

"That's besides my question it's 2 in the afternoon y'all been out here since 10 come on in before you get sunburn"

"What about you take us out to the fair?"

"How about no"

"Come on Solange I've been wanting to go to one in New Orleans for awhile"

"You parents wouldn't send you back with me if they find out I took you anywhere near a fair"

"Especially on your birthday" julez input I nodded my head agreeing with him

"Whatever your becoming boring your sister, has she gotten to your head"

"One day I'ma fight you for my sister watch your back"

"Shaking in my shoes"

"Alright if you two are about to have a petty argument just get out of my video shot thanks" julez said

"I want to paint" she ignored him

"Come with me" I said leading her to the basement sunlight was coming in from a little window it's walls was painted white every inch of this house was screaming peaceful I loved it that way

Keara's pov

"Your gonna kill me I didn't get to enjoy life yet" she rolled her eye's going behind a curtain coming back with a canvas and painting supplies

"I would've done that since you got here"

"I'm going to tell my mama you said that to me"

"I'm not scared of your mama"

"You should be" anyone knows not to go back and forth with me Solange is in for a time of her life

"What are we painting?"

"You mean what am I painting your leaving so I can focus" Also no one should know about my hidden talent until I'm ready to show them like my bestfriend he had to wait for some year's to see one of my art from class

"Alright fine if you need me I'll be in my room"

"Thanks solo"

I'ma put a painting of myself on the wall so when you walk in the house you'll see me first dad is going to have to move the big black and white painting that gives me an internal anxiety that picture speaks to me or I might gift it to my second shadow for her walk it needs a taste of keara's touch whichever one comes first

Half way through the painting my phone rang all I wanted use some peace alone away from family and everything else whoever calling was gonna hear from me

'Bestie the🤪♋'

oh him..

"Kyle? What shocked you to be calling me on this day"

"Your not home your dad said you flew out"

"Yep I'm in Louisiana how did you get onto my father?"

"When are you going back" he ignored my question

"Tomorrow morning what's up"

"Just wanted to check in on you you know seeing that today's your birthday I thought you would've been out having a time of your life"

"I'm spending it with my cousin that's enough when I get back home I'll celebrate with the twins"

"My dear friend you don't share your birthday with other's that's the worst thing that can happen"

"To you I'm fine with it you tend to forget who I am sometimes"

"Your to unbothered"

"Yeah I know now if this is All you called to talk to me about getting off my phone your interrupting my painting session and running up my wifi bill"

"Yeah whatever"

"Oh wait tell that bastard of a principal the I send my greetings"

"Goodbye keara"

"Yeah I call you when I get time" that's probably never but he should know this by now we never call each other it's mostly text or a silent facetime when we don't got shit to do

I should go live I haven't done that in some months
We got ice cream forget about the live
Meh your right thanks

"Solange Knowles!"

"Do you yell in your mother's house!" She yelled back I sighed knowing that I would most likely have to go get it myself I packed up the paint taking the painting with me

"Forget it!"

"That's great!"

"She not listening to what your saying you know she's in there watching that p-valley series" julez informed me

"I figured you want some" I pointed to the tub on the island

"Nah I'm good" I shrugged my shoulders

More for me I guess his lost I sat across from him

"So Daniel I've been hearing about you"

"What'd I do now?"

"What'd you didn't do, why you got girls claiming you knocked them up on the internet? That's a bad look for me"

"Here we go"

"Your killing me bro get off the gram block her number or some shit"

"How did you even find out about this?"

"My mama name was being dragged for your wrong doings as if she's your mom your 17 keep your parts to yourself I don't even cause this much chaos and that's a lot coming from me"

"I already did all of that"

"Good cause if that happens again I'm not gonna be allowed to spend quality time with you dad already did the most and I need that as an escape for home"

"I'll try to stay out of trouble"

"No clean your ears don't try do it"


"You hearing me clearly or do I got to repeat myself you understand what I'm telling you?"

"I got it I do"

"Good now get up com help me pack my suitcase"

"Just gonna sit and watch me pack your stuff"

"It's what you get for doing dumb shit"


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