The Demigod Show

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Written by PerseusJSonOfSea

Hello, my lovely audience. Today, you are viewing the grand session on Hephaestus TV, and in front of you, my lovely audience, is the- GREAT AND GRAND AND AWESOME AND COOL *cue the thunder roll* APOLLO!!!!!!

Give it up for the Ladies man, APOLLO!!!

This was a humble introduction about myself. Now onto today's special show. 

Today, some of the demigods of Camp Half-blood have gathered here for our Q/A session. They are-

Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares

Will Solace, son of the Great god Apollo

Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphy, I mean Aphrodite

Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus

Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena

And of course, the children of the Big Three-

Hazel Levesque, daughter of uncle Hades

Nico Di Angelo, son of uncle Hades

Thalia Grace (*dodges an arrow*), daughter of Uncle Z, I mean Zeus

Jason Grace, son of Uncle Zeus

And of course, the man of the moment- only after me- Percy Jackson, son of Uncle Poseidon.

Unfortunately Frank Zhang has some illness, and he can't join us in this show today. It is very unfortunate.

Now, 10 questions in all shall be asked to the 10 of these contestants, and they will answer them honestly. 

Let the questioning commence.

P1- I have a question for Clarisse. If Chris ever broke your spear, what would you do to him?

Clarisse- Probably kick him in the crotch, and make him give me another new better spear.

Chris- I have decided to never even go near your spear

P2 - My question is for Annabeth. If you were ever to choose being an Olympian and working beside your mother or being with Percy, which one would you choose?

Annabeth: Option 1 of course

Percy: Annabeth! I trusted you. How could you?

Annabeth: You believed it?

Percy: What?

Annabeth: I was just kidding. Of course I will choose Percy. He gave up immortality for me. Why shouldn't I?

Percy: I love you so so so so much *kisses Annabeth*

Percabeth fans: Aww.

Athena: I thought you loved me more than that sea spawn!

Annabeth: Say WHAT?

Poseidon: *grins*

P3- Piper, my question's to you. Did you ever like Percy or Leo?

Jason: *looks at Piper nervously*

Piper: I only liked them as brothers. Not romantically.

P4- Leo Valdez, did you love Piper?

Leo: Uh- What?

Jason: *glares*

Leo: I- 

Jason: *glares harder*

Leo: Maybe a tiny bit at one time-

Jason: *picks up a brick, and throws it at Leo*

Leo: *dodges* not now. I love her only as a sister

P5- Will Solace, did you ever kiss anyone romantically before you met Nico?

Nico: Did you?

Will: *shakes head vigorously*

Nico: I love you Will, mio amore. 

Will: What's that?

Translator: my love

P6- My question is to Hazel is, if Sammy suddenly pops up from the dead, would you choose Sammy or Frank?

Hazel: Uh- Frank of course. 

Everyone: *raises eyebrow* 

Hazel: I loved Sammy. Yes, I loved him, but the spark I felt before, it went away. Only Frank gives that spark now. So, I would choose Frank.

Frazel Shippers: Awwww. So cute!!!

P7- Thalia, did you ever love Luke?

Thalia: *glances at Artemis* 

Artemis: *glares at Thalia*

Hunters: Thalia???

Thalia: *gulps nervously*

Thalia: Long time ago, I did love him. A lot. But the feeling diminished many years ago.

Artemis: *keeps glaring at Thalia*

Thalia: *flinches*

Artemis: It's okay. Now that you have stopped loving a male, I guess you are forgiven.

P8: Nico Di Angelo, whom did you like more. Hazel or Bianca?

Nico: *gives the questioner a death glare*

Nico: I love both of them as same. While I loved Bianca as an elder sister, I also love Hazel as a younger sister

Hazel: I am fine with it.

P9: Jason, did you ever kiss anyone on the lips romantically other than Piper?

Jason: Of course not. I love her and will never betray her. (poor fellow doesn't know what happens in the Burning Maze)

Hera: *looks a bit ashamed, but no one notices*

P10: Percy Jackson, my question for you is- Do you like Paul or Poseidon more as a father?

Poseidon: *looks at Percy expectantly*

Paul: *looks at Percy expectantly too*

Percy: *gulps*

Percy: Well, -


Any questions that you want to ask to any of the ten demigods, please write to us in the comment section. 

Cya for now.


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