Chapter One: Bottled Emotions

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Tubbo POV:

I was currently on a walk with my family, it was nice and sunny out, it was a perfect day for a walk. As we passed the prime church, I feel something wet hit my head. I look up and realize that the sky was dark and it looked like it would rain, good thing Ranboo had an umbrella with him. I looked up at my partner and he seemed confused, it was sunny just a moment ago and now it started raining, hard. While we both stood there in silence, still wondering why it would suddenly start raining, I hear mine and Ranboo's communicators ding. I reach into my pocket and noticed that it was from Purpled, I was confused. He rarely messaged me.

Purpled whispers to you: COME OVER HERE NOW!! [Coordinates]

What? Why would he want me to come over there? I look up from my communicator and see Ranboo looking at his own communicator, just as confused as I was. I asked him who it was and he told me it was Purpled, the day kept getting weirder by the second. Purpled was Tommy's platonic husband, we knew that well, but he rarely spoke to the both of us or even messaged us, what if something happened to Tommy...? I'm guessing Ranboo saw how worried I looked, as he put his hand on my shoulder and told me that everything was going to be alright.

"We should probably still go, maybe he needs help with something" Ranboo suggested we go to the coordinates Purpled gave us.

I was hesitant at first but I eventually agreed.
Before we went there, we decided to drop by Snowchester to put drop off Michael, we didn't want him to getting hurt or anything. After we did that, we headed to where the coordinates was, it was in a middle of a forest, the rain got harder as we got near the location. We walked a bit more and then I noticed something. Almost everyone on the SMP was here, I could see Niki, Jack, Quackity, hell even Vikkstar and Connor. Did Purpled tell them to come here too...?

As we approached the location, we see a clearing, in the clearing we see a figure of someone on their knees. I took a closer look and my eyes widened, that strawberry blonde hair, blue cardigan, dirty brown cargo pants, and black and white shoes, it was my best friend, my brother, my other half, Tommy. I looked around and saw more people, all eyes were on the blonde boy who was on his knees, I see Purpled by the trees, holding their son's hand. What happened? Why is Tommy on his knees? Why did Purpled tell us to come here? As I observed more, the area where Tommy was at, it wasn't raining at all, it was bright, sunny, and it had no signs of rain.

I look to my left and see my best friend's family, his father and his older brothers, they were frozen on their tracks, just staring at the boy. After a while, we all hear a scream, it was from Tommy, he sounded like he was in pain. I could see him put his hand above his chest, what's wrong? I could hear him crying, dispite the rain being loud, Tommy was louder, his cries echoed throughout the whole forest, making the birds fly away from the trees. The rain got heavier as Tommy cried even more, the sky felt like it was sad, almost like it was crying with Tommy. I see Purpled pick up his spider son and walk over his partner, he pulled him into a hug, for a moment, the sky froze but that only lasted for a second.

I look over to my own partner, I see tears roll down his face, he was crying but he wasn't burning himself, which was odd. I look around and see everyone else with tears runing down their cheeks, what was happening today? I put a hand on my cheek and realized that I too, had tears. Maybe it's because of Tommy, he rarely shows himself like this, maybe we were surprised, maybe we didn't expect this, maybe....he was doing this to us.

I've known my best friend for my whole life, I saw him grow up and I admired him, his confidence, strength, and his personality. All of my years of knowing him, I've never seen him cry like this, he was defenseless, helpless, hopeless even. I could see Niki's grip on her axe, I wondered why she didn't throw it now, she usually took every opportunity to kill him, but right now she was hesitating. I see Technoblade holding his trident, his grip on the weapon got tighter, almost as if he could break it at any moment, he couldn't take his eyes off of his younger brother.

"Let it all out Angel....Go on..." Purpled said, rubbing circles on Tommy's back trying to comfort him.

"It's okay mom, papa and me are here, we're alright" I could hear how concerned my best friend's son was.

Shroud must be so confused and scared to see his father like this, his happy, cheerful, and outgoing father that always managed to bring a smile to anyone's faces, be so vulnerable and weak. I could see how the spider hybrid gripped onto his father's cardigan, his tears wouldn't stop falling, the rain just kept getting louder and heavier until....thunder....

It sounded like the sky was angry and sad at the same time, I glance over at Tommy and see him hitting Purpled's chest over and over again while he cried even more. The alien boy didn't seem to mind at all, he just continued to hold him and whisper comforting words. I see Phil taking a step forward, catching everyone's attention, he reached out his hand but immediately put it over his mouth.

"No...This can't be..."

Phil thought nobody heard him, but we all did. He knew something, he knew why Tommy was crying, he knew why we all suddenly had tears rolling down our cheeks, he had the answer to everything. Not even a second later, I see Technoblade and Wilbur put their hands on their father's shoulder, it was clear that they wanted an explanation. After a while, I see Fundy walk up to Tommy and his small family with his own kid in his arms, Yogurt. I know how Fundy never liked remembering that he was related to Wilbur, but he was actually pretty close with Tommy.

"Hey Toms..." Fundy said as he sat down next to his uncle.

Yogurt went over to Shroud and they both decided to let their parents talk. The kids walked only a few feet away from them but they were still in the bright and sunny area, they looked so carefree, it was obvious that they were confused but they didn't really seem to mind. All of the others that were still by the trees couldn't move, we all felt frozen while we tried listening into Tommy's family, it sounded like Phil was trying to explain everything but he was having a hard time. After a while the rain became calm again, but this time it stayed that way. Tommy had a smile on his face while he talked to Fundy.

Tommy leaned his head against his partner's chest, they both had their fingers intertwined while Purpled had his other arm wrapped around his partner's shoulder. Fundy was the first time I'd seen him look so happy in so long, after Wilbur and Tommy got exiled, he was different but right now, he was like his old cheerful self. Their kids ran up to them and sat next to them, in just a few moments the sky became clear and a rainbow, no, a double rainbow appeared in the sky. I could see in that moment, Tommy was truly happy, he was with his family, the family that loved him and the family he loved.

Not long after, the sun appeared and everything went back to how it was before it started to rain. I felt like I could finally move, I see everyone else questioning what happened, still trying to listen to Phil but I suddenly heard my communicator ding. I look at it and it's from Phil...

Ph1lz4 whispers to you: Meet us at the community house, I'll explain everything

I see them leaving, I realized that everyone else was also looking at their communicators, Phil sent it to all of us. That old man really needs to explain everything or so help me I'm going to nuke their property...

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