Chapter Two: Life and Death

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Everyone had left forest and made their way to the community house, Awesamdude was the first one to reach the build. He could see the black wings of a blonde old man, the pink hair of one of his children, and the coat of the other. He prepared himself for the worst, he had a totem in one hand while holding his axe in the other. Phil noticed how tense Sam was, he could understand him, it was rare for them to talk without getting violent.

"So...Are you going to explain what happened?" Sam asked sternly, glaring at the Minecrafts

"Later, let's wait for everyone else to get here..." Phil said turning to face the other direction.

Sam just nodded, he leaned up against the wall, keeping his distance from the three males, he didn't wanna start a fight. After a few minutes, more people came and soon enough, nearly everyone was there, with some exceptions like Dream, Callahan, Alyssa, and a few others. Phil looked around and his eyes landed on Tubbo and Ranboo, they were probably the most confused next to his twin sons.

"Alright everyone, I'm guessing you're all wondering what happened today..." Phil said putting his hands together.

Most of them nodded while some hummed in reply, they couldn't really talk since they could still hear Tommy's blood curtailing scream. The amount of sadness, anger, and despair that was in that scream haunted them, it rang through their ears, not toning down at any second. Tubbo kept his gaze at the old man, his stare were like daggers being put through Phil's skin. He cleared his throat and started to explain...

"Tommy is far from mortal..." Phil said, not wanting to make them wait any longer.

Technoblade's eyes widened, he never expected his father to say that. He knew that Tommy was different but he didn't expect that.

He started off by saying "I married Death, she already had a baby boy...Tommy. I had Wilbur and Technoblade with a mortal woman named Sam....Tommy being Death's only son makes him a different case..."

"Different how exactly?" Niki asked as she stepped closer to them, Jack grabbed her wrist and she stopped. She seemed curious, just like everyone else was...

"Well, ever since Tommy was small, I never allowed him to go out or talk to others....that was for his and everyone else's safety." Phil added.

Wilbur looked at his father, bewildered. Safety? He literally kept him locked at home like a prisoner, how was that for his safety? is what the brunette thought.

"Tommy is nature itself, he has full control over everything in nature, like the weather, plants, and even it's animals. What you all saw today, was him pouring everything out at once, that scream—" He was about to explain when Ranboo cut him off.

"DON'T!.... Don' about it..."

Everyone was caught off guard by Ranboo raising his voice, he didn't want to talk about that scream, that horrible, miserable, spine chilling scream. It seemed that the others agreed, they hummed in response and Phil nodded, he didn't want to talk about it either, even he was shaken up by it.

"As I was saying, Tommy has control over nature, he can bend it to his will, he can command the animals to do his work, he is both life and death itself..."

'he is both life and death itself...', that made Foolish shiver. He was the God of Life, he didn't know someone else was above him, and if he did, he wouldn't have guessed it to be Tommy of all people. As Phil explained more about how Tommy was the embodiment of nature, and how he could easily change how reality was in a blink of an eye, and then he mentioned Death...

"Lady Death, Tommy's mother, knows of this as well....when he was born, she immediately knew something was special about him but she also knew that it was dangerous. She sealed away most of his ability but she told me that the seal wouldn't last forever, his abilities were far greater than she herself, so....his seal would break at the age of 18..."

Everyone tried to process everything that the old man was telling them, it was all so sudden, yesterday they saw Tommy running around with his son and husbands in tow while laughing and now they saw him cry, heard him scream, and found out what he was. All of this information was so new, however, there was one person who wasn't fazed at all, or well...more slime than person. He looked rather calm, he wasn't freaking out like everyone else, he was just standing behind Quackity, smiling as if he knew it all.

Puffy, the person Tommy considered as his mother, felt like she failed the golden haired boy. She was supposed to be his comfort, yet she still failed to realize how much pain and sorrow he felt. Tommy was great at hiding his emotions, he was amazing at it, he was even able to fool Technoblade before. To most people Tommy was the bright sun, always making jokes, laughing, making everyone else smile, while some see him as the dark void, nothingingness and darkness was all that surrounded him, but it seemed like he was both.

"I want to ask you all for a small favor..." Phil broke the silence.

This caught everyone's attention, they looked at the old man and saw him on his knees, his head hung low...

"Please....whatever you feel about Tommy, if you care about him, hate him, or even want to kill him... please....don't awaken his abilities...I can assure you that once that happens, he won't be the same Tommy from before..."

Phil pleaded, he knew most of the people there wanted his youngest son dead, but he also knew that if they ever cross the line and make the seal even just a bit more loose, all hell will break lose. The boy's abilities were unstable, he didn't even know he had these abilities. If it ever just comes out, Phil was sure that he would break down causing a possible earthquake that could split the world in half. Sam was the most worried, he was responsible for keeping the person Tommy hated the most in check, he needed to keep a closer eye on Dream, what if he escaped and decided to push the kid's buttons?

After a moment of silence, Technoblade scanned the area and noticed the looks on most of the people's faces. The Eggpire, Niki, and Jack looked pissed, they wanted Tommy dead, the Rocket Duo even went as far as to lead his brother into the place where Tubbo would launch his experimental nuke at. Ranboo was stiff, he probably felt like he was hit by an asteroid, the kid always tried to his best to be friends with Tommy but he always pushed him away. Tubbo...well...his face was full of regret, anger, sadness, despair, and hopelessness, he was his best friend yet...he knew nothing about Tommy. Technoblade looked to his right and saw his twin brother, he was anxious, terrified, he was shaking. Wilbur went bad shit crazy in front of their brother, he manipulated him, died in front of him, his ghost stuck by their brother, Tommy saw his ghost die, and he was also the first to see him come back to life.

It was clear that most people were scared, who wouldn't be? The boy who they thought could only cause pain and suffering, was actually the one who had control over life and death. If Dream ever found out, he would hide far away from anyone, he wouldn't make a wrong move, he would even become a Saint. The kid was beyond anyone in the area, maybe even beyond DreamXD and Drista...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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