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The Definition of Justice

Ini adalah salah satu dari beberapa cerita humorous Nasreddin Hodja. Di ambil dari buku NASREDDIN: A Man Who Never Gives up .... selamat membaca.

   As usual, Nasreddin went to the coffe house and had a chat and his friend while enjoying the sweet coffe. The chat was so warm. It moved from one topic to another.

   At first the topic was about the farms they cultivated. Then it changed into the forest that had no good firewood anymore, and then into goverment of the country.

"Our goverment today is not as good as the one ten years ago," one of them said.

"Why do you think so?" asked another.

"A lot of bureacrats steal the country's money," he answered.

"I agree. Besides, they cannot treat all people with justice," added another.

So far Nasreddin was just listen to them.

"What do you mean?" another one asked.

"They give better facilities to the rich and do not pay attention to the poor," the man answered.

"What's the proof?" the first man asked.

"You can see it yourself. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer," the second man answered.

"Probably the rich work harder then the poor," argued an other man again.

"No! I think the point is there is no justice," the man shouted.

"How do you define justice, anyway!" asked another man.

"Anything should be share fairly, that's justice!" said the man triumphantly.

"I don't think it can work," another man hesitated. "You see there are some diligent people but there are also a lot of lazy ones. How can they get the same share?"

"But, have you tried my theory?" the theorist asked.

Nobody answered. Suddenly Nasreddin shouted, "I have!"

"Tell us the result!"

"I tried to do justice to all of my family members. So I treated my wife and my donkey fairly. None was more superior to the other."

"Good, it's nice example. But what's the result??" asked the theorist.

"The result was I made a good donkey and angry wife!" he answered.

As Usual: seperti biasa
Went: Pergi
Chat : ngobrol/obrolan
the farm they cultivate : tanah yang mereka olah
Bureaucrat : Birokrat, pegawai pemerintah
Treat : Memperlakukan
Argue : Berkilah
Define : Mendefinisikan
Share : Membagi/Berbagi
Iriumphantly : Dengan penuh kemenangan
Hesitate : Ragu-ragu
Result : Hasil/Akibat

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