*New Formed Rival*

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Hoi my lovely readers! Sorry for the delay. We've been having a 'problem' with the story. Its seems like someone was trying to get in....again..

B-but! We have it under control! So don't worry!

Now enjoy this long chapter as an excuse for not updating my damn Pico x Keith book! :D


*Author's POV*

It was a new day, and we are now met with not just 4 sanses, but 8. Now sitting and calmly chatting with the group was Dust, Horror, Classic and Fell. 

Killer was whispering rather lewd things to Dust making him blush a dark shade of purple, Horror was hungrily staring at Cross' fries, asking over and over, 'Ya gonna eat that?' Classic was napping on Fell's shoulder, while the other was glaring at Blue for snapping photos and all Error could do was watch. 'Idiots.' the tear-marked skeleton thought as he chuckled. "You know what, Horror? Just take the fries." Cross said making Horror's eye light up. "Thanks!!" he said, nuzzling Cross.

'Heh, gay.' Blue thought as he saw a light shade of purple on Cross' face. Error stared down at his watch, his once calm face turning pale in seconds. 'Crap!' he thought and began to grab his belongings. "What's wrong, Glitch?" Dust asked as he saw the other frantically trying to grab his bag. "Oh! Uhm- i-its nothing! I just have to do a- thing..." he said as a bead of sweat ran down his cheekbone. "Welp gotta go bye!" He said in a rushed tone. Dust opened his mouth to question him further, but he had already bolted back into the school.

"That was weird..." Dust said. "I think he's got a boyfriend." Blue said smirking evilly. "Psh Error in a RELATIONSHIP? No way in hell would that ever happen!" Fell yelled. "Wanna bet?" "Fine! 50 dollars!" "No way! 300 dollars and a free lunch." "Whatever." 

"Can you guys not?" Cross said shaking his head. The two were just too childish.


Error quietly slipped into the library with a book in hand. "Good morning Error!" a sweet and familiar voice yelled from behind the front desk. "Good morning Ms. Miyu!" he said giving her a warm smile. Error was the only monster who went to the library everyday to read books instead of using the computers like everyone else. Because of this, he had formed a great friendship with the librarian. 

Error decided to keep it a secret, though. Going to the library didn't affect anyone and he didn't care if someone found out he was good friends with the librarian. He just didn't want anyone to find out about the stories he was reading. And those stories were romance novels. He enjoyed mystery and horror novels, but romance novels sparked a certain interest in him.

He was currently reading a book called 'Eternal Soul Book 5.' He was waiting to get the 6th one and it just came out. He roamed around the library in search for the book. He gasped when his eyes finally laid on it. But, there was a slight problem. It was on the highest shelf. To a normal monster, it would be easy to reach, but to Error, it was like climbing Mount Everest. He grabbed one of the chairs and began to boost himself up.

 But how much he tried to reach it, he couldn't. Then, to his horror, the chair began to wobble. He then lost his balance and fell off. He closed his eyes shut, preparing for a painful crash. But there was none. Instead, he felt something wrapped around his waist. 

A Broken Glitch and A Bad Apple /An Errormare fanfic/Where stories live. Discover now