*New Students*

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*Nightmare's POV*  

I stared up at the school before me. Many students were around me. Each sharing happy smiles or were contently chatting with friends.  But I couldn't help but let my mind wander to last night's argument. 

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                                                                        "W-what? What do you mean were moving?!" I yelled.                  My mother flinched at my outburst, but kept her head held up high. "Night, sweetie. You know how this goes. In order to keep his business from collapsing, your father gets new shifts every 3 months at different locations, which means you need to change schools-" I cut her off by throwing a plate harshly on the ground, causing it to smash into pieces. "NO!" I shouted. I was blinded by rage and I couldn't control my actions. "Every time I finally make some friends, real friends, people who don't want to hang out with me just for my money or popularity, you always have to barge into my life and take everything away from me!" She looked down at me, her mind racing, trying to find a proper excuse. "And you might get some real friends at the new school, too! Besides, Dream might be going through the same thing too-"  "Oh please! Dream's so positive all the time, he can attract butterflies!" I spat angrily. "Nighty plea-" "No! You know what? F#CK YOU!" That was enough for her to back away from me. I stormed upstairs,  meeting Dream in the hallway. He looked as if he was going to say something, but I stopped him by saying, "I don't give a shit about what you have to say Dream. Learn to mind your own damn business." And with that, I walked into my bedroom, slamming the door shut. 

                                                                                    I couldn't help but feel pity for myself. I would have to say goodbye to people I actually care about. Just because of them! I silently cried to myself. I clutched my skull and sat in the corner of the whole room. Isolating myself from everyone.

                                              And that is what brings us to where we are now.

I groaned loudly, showing many signs that I didn't want to be here. And the worst part was that we ended up missing a whole period just because Dream forgot his lunch. "Have a good day at school, boys!" My mother shouted, as Dream stepped out of the car. 'Tch. Yeah right...' I thought. Dream stared up at the school, his face was erupted with joy and astonishment. "Look how big this school is! And look how many monsters are here! I bet we could make lots of friends here! Mom also said  there's alot of clubs here too! Like cooking, sports, photography-"  My eye twitched as Dream began to list all of the clubs he could think of. I began to tune out every single word he said, something I tend to do when he starts to speak about some useless crap I don't care about.

There was one thing he was right about and that was the abundance of students that went here. That means avoiding other monsters is NOT an option. Then, for some reason, I started to feel like someone was watching me. It made me feel uncomfortable. I looked around some more, until I was met with a pair of red and yellow eyes looking right back at me. But as soon as he saw that I caught him staring at me, he immediately turned around. 'Weirdo.' I thought. I snapped back into reality when I heard the bell ring. "Oh! That must be the bell!" Dream said. "No shit, Sherlock." I muttered. Dream suddenly grabbed my arm. "C'mon! We don't want to be late for our 2nd class!" And he dragged me towards the school.

                         Error's POV. //Math Class//

I groaned quietly to myself and tried to keep myself from falling asleep on my desk. 'Why must math class be so boring?' I thought. I didn't like math, but I didn't hate it either. It was just that one class that you'd try to pay attention to, but end up learning nothing from it. The one thing that kept me from falling asleep was hearing 404's warning; 'If you fall asleep in class, I'm gonna kick your glitchy ass.' Those words alone made me shiver. I let my mind wonder to what happened this morning. That monster...did he see me? I mean, we did make eye-contact. "Listen up everyone." The teacher said, bringing me back to reality. "Before we continue I want you all to meet two new students that will be joining us." With that, everyone suddenly became interested. Even some monsters that were asleep had suddenly woke up. The two students walked into room and as soon as they did, my soul sank. Well speak of the f#cking devil and he will appear. It was the same monster I saw earlier today! And a.. smaller version of him? 

                 "This is Nightmare and Dream Joku. Please DONT treat them the same way you treat each other." Dream walked up in front of the class and bowed. "Hello, everyone! My name is Dream and I am very happy to be here. I hope we can be friends!" He said with a bright smile. 'Looks like were gonna have another teacher's pet on our hands.' Everyone else looked at Nightmare, expecting the same thing. He groaned and folded his arms. "My name is Nightmare. So happy to be here." he said. You could hear the sarcasm is his voice. "Now, all I need is a volunteer to show them around school." 'May Destiny bless that poor soul.' I thought. Those two seemed like they were gonna be a pain in the ass. Dream looked like he was a positive person, who was always happy and trying to find someone he could help or make their day better. He also seemed like the kid that would put an apple on the teacher's table every morning. And Nightmare looked like the type of person that would be a bummer to hang out with. He'd always be sarcastic and try to bring you down. Honestly, I felt bad for that person who was going to show them around- "Error! Can you show Dream and Nightmare around the school?" I looked up and blinked twice. 'Wait-'


                                                                                           W    h   a   t   .  :D

A Broken Glitch and A Bad Apple /An Errormare fanfic/Where stories live. Discover now