Fresh Starts!

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*Lexie's P.O.V*
🎶Well, let me paint you a picture introduce some non fiction and you can watch how the truth unfolds and I will wait till the morning and you can tell me how nightmares,how they don't visit you in your dreams🎶

     I woke up to the alarm clock going off singing one of me favourite songs, Always by James Arthur. Sofie sat up and started to hit my stomach "come on Lexie we have to get up and get ready for our first day back". "I'm up, I'm up " I said.
    I got up and got my clothes ready I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, my favourite Nievra shirt and a blue beanie. I went into the bathroom and jumped in the shower, I washed my hair and body and jumped back out. I wrapped a towel around me and went back into Sofie's bedroom. "Holy shit you have long showers"she said. "I was only in there for 10 minutes" I said. "Well whatever I don't have time to fight this morning and I need a shower"

     Sofie got up and went to the bathroom shutting the door behind her. I dropped the towel and got dressed and then I looked in the mirror. Ewe I'm so fat, who would want to love somebody with scars all up there arms. "Lexie what's wrong" Sofie said tracing me out of my thoughts. "Nothing " I said while scratching my scars. I grabbed all my bracelets off the desk and put them on so they go all the way up my two ugly arms. I put on some mascara, foundation and lipstick and brushed my hair.
    Then i went down stairs with David (Sofie's dad) to see what was for breakfast. "Good morning David" I said "good morning Lexie" he said. "what's for breakfast.... Mm I think I smell pancakes" I said. " well you are right chocolate chip pancakes" David said "my favourite".

    Chocolate chip pancakes are my favourite breakfast in the whole world they are so good. "PANCAKES" Sofie yelled while coming down the stairs. She came at the table and sat down between me and her dad and piled up her plate with pancakes with butter and topped them off with syrup. Me and David laughed at Sofie she eats a lot but yet she never gets fat I don't know how she dose it . After we where done eating we grabbed our backpacks and said goodbye to David and headed out to the car.
     "So are you excited to go back to school again" Sofie asked while driving . "Hahaha your really asking me that question Sof" Sof was Sofie's nickname for me. "Yes I am, are you ready to see all the cute guys again" she asked. "I'm not excited to go back but I'm definitely excited about the boys for sure". But I doubt that there is any and besides who would want to love this body anyway it's so fat and worthless.
     I started to play with my bracelets, I'm so nervous. Sof looked over at me and said "are you ready" I did not realize we where here already. "Umm yea I guess" I said. " hey Baby is gunna be okay you have me here you will be fine I will be right by your side the whole day I promise" Sofie said. Sofie was like a sister to me, she knows everything about me, we been together since we where kids she's been there ever since my dad got into that car crash and died. "Okay let's go" Sofie said.
     Me and Sof got out of the car and started walking beside each other Into the big school. "So what do we have first" I asked Sofie. "Just a sec I will check", she checked her phone. "We have English with Mr. Blakie room 6". We made our way to room 6, before we walked in the door I grabbed a hold of Sofie's arm. "Your okay Lexie I'm right here" she said. I nodded my head and took a big breath and walked in a class room full of high schoolers. I gripped Sofie's arm harder as a short stout man walked up two us "you guys must be Lexie and Sofie" he said. "And you must be Mr. Blackie" Sofie said."yes I am I will be teaching you English and history this year" he said. "That's nice" Sofie said. Me and Sofie went and sat down in our desk side by side each other in the back of the class.

     "Everybody take a seat now so we can get started" Mr. Blackie said. Everybody sat down in a desk. "Why don't we get to know each other before we get started" Mr.Blackie said. "Why don't you go first Niall" he said. A boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair with tattoos all up his right arm and a lip piercing looked up at Mr. Blackie and said"okay". "Me name is Niall Horan I used to live in Ireland and then I moved here with me mates Harry, Liam,Louis and Zayn and we are in a band called One Direction".
     His voice was like an angel his bright blue eyes made my heart beat a thousand times a second, his voice was so soft and gentle. "Lexie"."what" I said. I looked around and everybody was staring at me like something was wrong with me even Niall's pretty bright blue sea eyes were starring at me. "Tell us something about you" Mr. Blackie said. "Oh umm" I looked over at Sofie while I was playing with my bracelets. "Umm m-m-my name is Lexie and I'm obsessed with Ed Sheeran and The fray and this is my best friend Sofie she's been my best friend since the day we where born". Sofie was smiling at me. "Awee you two are so cute"
      Mr. Blackie said to me and Sof. I blushed and looked down at the floor, I looked back up at Niall and he was still starring at me with a grin on his face. He probably thinks I'm a stupid little shit and I'm fucking annoying. Oh my god his smile lights up my whole world he is so perfect.

    I looked down at the ground and blush trying not to let Niall see me. I looked over at Sofie, she was looking at me with a smile on her face. I bit my lip and listen to Mr. Blackie as best as I could but I kept on looking at Niall and admiring how beautiful he was. *DING,DING* the bell rang and it snapped Me out of my thoughts. "Come on let's go to our next class" Sofie said. " I'm coming I'm coming" I said. I grabbed my books and binder and caught up with Sofie at the door. "Okay so next I have child care and you have math room 12 with Mrs. Delaney" Sofie said. "Ugh math I hate fucking math, I'm so horrible at it" I said. " who likes math, who knows maybe it will not be that bad this year maybe Niall will be in the same classes as you" Sofie said while winking and nudging me. I glare at her. "Common Lexie you fancy Niall" she said. "No I don't, I don't even know him let alone fancy him" I said. "Okay, okay but I know you do Lexie I know you more than anyone". I ignored her "oh look there's room 12 I will see you at lunch love ya" I said. "Love ya too babes, we will talk about this later" she said while I was walking in the door.

   I could feel my legs shaking I was so nervous. A mid aged woman probably in her 40's came and walked over to me. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Delaney I will be your math teacher this year". "I-i- I- mm Lexie, Lexie Lynds". "Nice to meet you Lexie, why don't u go and have a seat". She said. I walked over to a seat in the middle of the classroom and sat beside a boy with long brown curly hair and bright green hazel eyes with tattoos all up his arms and some on his neck. He kept starring at me while I sat down and got out my book, I was getting really uncomfortable. I looked over at him and gave him a dirty look, he just kept starring at me like I was a freak. Once everyone got into the class Mrs. Delaney shut the door "hi everyone I'm Mrs. Delaney and I will be your math teacher, today were just gunna get to know each other" she said. Oh great I have to talk to everyone this is gunna be good I thought. "Why don't you go first" she said to a girl with her hair up in a bun and has big glasses "Okay, hi my name is Rachel and I like sports, I play on the football team and baseball team and I'm in a happily relationship with this handsome man right here " she said and pointed to the guy next to her with blonde hair and chocolate colour eyes. His blonde hair reminded me of Niall's. Didn't he say he was in a band called second direction or something like that oh my I can't wait to hear there music his voice must sound like an angel sent from heaven. "LEXIE,LEXIE,LEXIE" Mrs. Delaney shouted out at me and snapped me out of my day dreaming. "Ah yea" I said with a shaky voice. "Your turn" she said. "Oh umm, I-I-I-I mmmm L-eexie and I love mmusic" i stutter. I looked down at my bracelet covered arms and ran my fingers over my scars. "What about you" she pointed to the guy beside me.
         "Hi my name is Harry Styles and I'm in a band called One Direction with my lads Niall, Liam , Louis and Zayn. I'm obsessed with music like Lexie is and I'm a big fan of kitty's".he said in a sweet British voice. One Direction that's what Niall's band name was. He is in the same band as Niall. Just the thought of his name brings butterflies to my stomach. No I can't fancy Niall I don't even know him. I tried my best listening to Mrs.Delany but my thoughts kept coming back about Niall. About an hour or so going back and forth from paying attention o Mrs. Delaney and from day dreaming about Niall the lunch bell finally rang and I grabbed my things and met up with Sofie in the gym.

Hey guys is saved here I would like to give a huge shoutout to stylesnlife  thank you so much Darlin for helping me ily so much!! I'm so sorry this chapter sucks but I promise I will get better. I'm also gunna do something different because I did another fanfic and it did not turn out as good as I thought it would so I was thinking maybe to ask you guys to leave so many comments or votes or reads to know that you like them. So I think we should start out easy can I get 2 votes and 1 comment please lovelies. I love all of you guys you make me strong :*
P.S if your struggling with anything I'm always here for u guys message me anytime i love all of u

Xoxoxo Saved

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