Falling forward

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Lexie P.OV

He's starring at me great he probably thinks I look ugly and stupid. I look into his eyes, oh my god he is perfect he is a fucking angle I wish I could just go up and lick his face , his bright blue eyes oh my god there perfect . I traced out of my thoughts by Someone grabbing my arm I looked over at the side of me and it was Sofie.

"Okay umm we better go to family studies" said Sofie. Before we even took a step Louis said "Wait wait before you guys go can we get your numbers". "Yes sure" said Sofie and me. All of us exchanged numbers and then Sofie and me ran off to family studies.

"So you do love Niall" said Sofie looking at me shocked. "What no hell no I do not" I said. She looked at me with the stop lying face "your blushing" she said. I cracked a smile "Dam it Sof , I have to admit I sort of like him but you can't tell anyone cause I don't want to get hurt again cause u know what happened last time". She smiled, shit I thought to myself.

We finally got to family studies, a mid age woman came up to us and said "you guys must be Lexie and Sofie, you guys are late how come" she asked. "We help some boys in the cafeteria clean up there mess sorry we are late I promise it won't happen again" Sofie said. "It better not" said the woman "now go and find a seat" she said to us.

Sof and I went and sat down beside each other in the back of the class. I couldn't really pay any attention to the teacher cause I was to busy daydreaming about Niall and his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Ring Ring" finally the bell.

Sofie and I grabbed our books and book bag out of our lockers and went home. We pulled into the driveway and David wasn't home "I guess it's just u and me babe" said Sofie. I gave her a smile and she returned it.

We got out of the car and ran into the house and set our things down and plopped on the couch.

"What do u wanna do tonight" I said. "Let's go for a nice walk together and then comeback and watch some Netflix, is that okay," Said Sof. "Yeah that sounds like a good time" I said.

We each got up and slipped on our shoes and headed out the door.

"So you and Niall huh, you guys would actually make a good couple" Sof said and I could feel my cheeks burning. " yeah he is pretty hot but I don't think he will be interested in me, anyways who would be" I half smiled at Sofie. "Don't be stupid Lexie, did u see the way he was looking at u in the cafeteria he was amazed by your beauty and believe me you are very stunning girl"said Sofie. I knew she was lying I'm so ugly and fat I bet Niall was not trying to laugh at me he was just starring at me so he could judge how ugly I was later on to his friends. "Thanks Sof" I said softly.

The rest of the walk was in silence until we were four blocks away form Starbucks and we could hair music blaring. 🎶She said, "hey it's alright. Does it make you feel alive? Don't look back, live your life, even if it's only for tonight" she said "hey it's alright if it makes you feel alive". 🎶

Sofie looked at me and I knew what she was thinking. She grabbed my hand and towed me to the shed that was blaring our music. Sofie opened the door a peak and we saw Niall playing guitar, Zayn and Harry sining , Louis on the drums and Liam playing the guitar also.All of them were really good Zayn and Harry had amazing voices and Niall and Liam were amazing on the guitars and Louis he was a monster on the drums they were so good what was the band name again oh yeah One Direction. I looked over at Sof and I could see her smiling and I couldn't help myself but smile back.

I went to go over by Sofie but being the clumsy person I am I tripped over my own feet and fell against the door and made it flew open and go face first into the shed ground. I heard some gasps coming from the boys.

Mysterious to GoldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora