Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8 : ᴀ ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴘᴇʀ

506 14 0

{=} - pov change

Today, today's the day we'll be performing. I just hope everything goes well and good, and I also hope that I don't mess up while performing on my scenes. I remember that father goes screaming just to calm himself down... I guess I should just-


Shima turned to look at Sanou who called him, "Yes?"

"Can you call Louis? Everyone's aready here. Ask him if he would like to give an inspiration speech or two." The pelican requested. The human nodded to the pelican before he went to the leader's dressing room.

Once he got the the leader's dressing room, he opened it without knocking.

"I'm coming in." he mumbled.

He was gazing at the floor when he entered the room, though when he looked up, he's met with the sight of Louis on the floor with a broken foot.

His eyes widened as he saw Louis' leg was covered in purple bruises all over, some of them are even swelling in pain.

"Louis?!" He slammed the door shut and hastily squatted before the deer's swollen calf. "W-what happened to your leg?!" He panicked.

Louis sighed and rose from the floor before he sat at a sofa facing the human, "I'm fine." He replied. Though it doesn't even look like he's fine, it even looks like his leg was fractured.

The deer sighed again and got the bandages on the table beside him.

So much for keeping it a secret.

Shima's eyebrows knitted together, "Fine? Louis, you're not fine. You have to go to the infirmary!"

"Like i said, I'm fine. I'll just-"

"Okay Mr. Perfectly fine, if you won't go to the infirmary or hospital then I'll just treat it myself." The human snatched the bag of bandages from the deer's grasp and squatted again before him.

Shima slowly rolled up his pants, careful not to hit the swollen areas of his leg. After rolling up his pants, the human unwrapped one bandage and started wrapping the deer's leg tightly.

As the human did his leg's bandages, Louis just watched silently, seething to himself for a few times whenever the bandage was wrapped too tight. He was already used to the pressure of being in pain, but this is one of the worst and he knew that the human won't let it go that easy. He just has to endure this today and tommorow then he'll go straight to the hospital. "Alright."

Shima stood up and placed his hands on his hips, "Now, come. You have to give the other's a speech." He ordered with a stern glare.

"Sure, I'm coming." Louis stood up, only to stumble towards the human. His leg was bad enough that he has problems with walking, this isn't good. "Here"

He looked at the human who is lending his shoulder for him to use as a support. "I'll help you" he smiled. And there he is again, gazing at the human's dark brown eyes.

He snapped out of it before he clutched to Shima's shoulder. And they both headed out of the dressing room.

"Don't tell anyone about this okay?" Said Louis as they kept walking. The human nodded and stopped before the other's see them like this.

The deer let go of Shima's shoulder, "I can walk on my own now." He said and strode through their clubmates with new found confidence.

"Everyone gather 'round!" Sanou called out for everyone whilst Louis approached them with the human tailing behind.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒔 || BeastarsWhere stories live. Discover now