Chapitre Trois

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   Oh shit. 

   Shit, shit, twatting-cunt-thundering, shit! 

   He looked up at the heavens, asking WHY, of all the tits of all of the girls in all of the houses inHogwarts ... 

   ... did the ones he couldn't take his eyes off have to be Hermione fucking Granger's. 

   He let out a little groan and hit his head onto the potions table. 


   Fucking Ow... 

   The two rows in front of him turned around to see where the thud had come from. Kayleigh Fallonand her small but firm boobs glared at him. 

   He gave her the middle finger and looked up with a grin. 

   "Pink suits you, Kayleigh. But you should consider matching the bra with your knickers nexttime". 

   She sat there, her mouth gaping while he sniggered with his cronies and let his eyes roam over hersuggestively. Then she turned back in her seat with a huff, calling him a twat. 

   This made Granger look over in his direction with a sneer and her eyes rolling as usual. 

   Fucking brilliant. Like he didn't need reminding of HER being sat within his eye line. 

   He glanced back over at her. She wasn't matching either. Plain white French knicker-shorts with apeach bra. Not unattractive, and he was sure if she HAD been matching or wearing somethingsexier, he'd have been like a dog with a bone. 

   He shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Then he'd glance back over and the thoughtswould come back again. It was a dangerous circle. 

   But she did have nice tits. 

   Very nice tits. And he wasn't going to take it away from her because let's face it, what else did shehave going for her? 

   Who the fuck are you trying to kid? She looks like she'd rock your fucking world. 

   She did. 

   Sitting there with her curls framing her face, the ends of her hair just touching the top of thoseround boobs which filled her bra nicely. One leg crossed over the other so he could see ampleamounts of toned thigh. Collarbone sexily peeking out at him –

   "oh, Fuck off – " 

   He put his head in his hands and felt everyone look round at him. He peeked through his fingertipsat the people in front of him. 

   A sea of bosoms. 

   He closed his eyes again and whimpered, feeling his erection straining against his pants. This wasgetting too much. 

   "Mr Malfoy, another outburst like that and you'll be in detention after school." Snape shouted fromthe front, glaring at him. 

   "Apologies, sir." Draco answered meekly.

   "He's just having a HARD time with his potion, sir." Goyle quipped, Crabbe holding in a laugh. 

   Well fuck me, Draco thought mockingly. Goyle made a joke that didn't involve someone's mum. 

   There was a first. 

   "You're a bit of twat really, aren't you?" Draco mumbled in Goyle's direction, shaking his headand finally starting to cut up some boomslang skin. 

   He had to regain focus, and quickly. 

   Just focus on another pair of tits, that should be easy enough. 

   He took a deep breath and looked around the room once his first two ingredients were in thecauldron, smoking away in front of him. 

   Bouncy, yet firm. 

   Small but compact. 



   This was not helping in the slightest.

   They were all amazing ...but - 

   "Malfoy when do we need to add in the Mercury?" Crabbe whispered to him, struggling with hisown recipe. 

   Like fuck if he knew. He could barely register the words on the recipe in front of him, his eyesbetraying him every now and again and daring to glance in the direction of another pair of tits ...and for every different pair he looked at, he always ended up looking back in Granger's direction. 

   He chanced another glance over at her, absolutely despising himself as he did but being unable tocontrol his teenage hormones. He was not disappointed. 

   She had chosen that moment to decide to stretch and yawn, her arms going above her head and herback arching into the stretch and committing to giving her body some sense of pressure relief. Hereyes were closed and he took the opportunity to focus in on those perfect boobs of hers. 

   They jutted out as her back arched and he couldn't help but imagine what they would look likebouncing up and down in front of his face while she was riding his – 

   A loud, audible, lust filled groan escaped his lips before he could stop it.

   Again, students turned around in their seats to look at him. They knew what kind of noise he hadjust made and the expressions on their faces were filled with hilarity and bewilderment. 

   Granger was looking at him. 

   He caught her eye and for a moment they looked directly at each other. She regarded him withdisgust at first, but this quickly turned into something else when she studied his eyes and herexpression suddenly turned to that of curiosity. She could tell he was turned on. She could see theheat in his eyes and it killed him that he'd let her view him so openly. 

   He broke the connection and tried to get back to his potion. He didn't have much longer to endurethis freak show, anyway. Cunt-chops said it would only last an hour or so. 

   He needed a shower. 

   A shower and a good wank.

   A shower and a good wank over Granger's tits. 

   ... He needed a cold shower and an obliviation spell. 

   He didn't want the memory of Granger and that peach bra with those French knickers to be etchedinto his brain for all eternity. 

   Even if she did look outstanding in them. 

   What was the French word for 'French knickers', anyway? 

   Les knickers? 

   Granger's Les Knickers ... 

   Oh, mon dieu! 

   He was fucked.

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