You'll never know a love like this
That saves you from everything bad
That saves you from yourself
Those intruding thoughts
And awful temptations
A love that listens and advices
And embraces you every single hour
Of every day of every month
Of each and every year
A love that doesn't get bored
Of loving you.You'll never know a love like this
An addiction, that instead of faking it
And messing with your head
Clears it and makes you better.
A love that you can overdose on
But will only give you endurance
Peace, hope and faith.
A love that will give you life
And purpose and reason.You'll never know a love like this
One that never disappoints
That doesn't cloud your vision
They say love is blind
But this love makes you see
Clearer than you have ever done before
A love that forgives and never gives up
One that isn't filled with empty promises
And lies and betrayal and jealousy
A love that stays.You'll never know a love like this
That actually has died for you
One that doesn't get torn apart
And tussled and confused
The kind of love that will love you
Like it has never shared its heart
With anyone and has given you
All of it's care, kindness and truth.
A love that is infinite
And will never end.You'll never know a love like this
If you don't know
And haven't given your life
To Christ
Because only He is true love
My Poetry Book
PoetrySo, hey everyone :) Well I have suddenly gotten into poetry and these are my poems which I have written. All of these reflect my Christian life, faith and relationship with God. Anyone is free to read these. And if you have an constructive criticism...