Chapter 9:: Never in a million years

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Author's POV: 

You winced in pain as he pushed you on the floor. Taehyung gasped a little not knowing you would end up falling when he was just aiming to push you away from a little.
"YAH YOU KIM TAEHYUNG SCUM! HOW DARE YOU! (*#&(*^!&*^#!!!" A voice spoke as you both looked in the direction of the voice. Your eyes widened seeing Jin standing there. He ran towards you helping you get up asking, "Are you okay?" You nodded hesitantly. 

He glared at Taehyung saying, "Yah! How dare you push her like that?! Where did your manners go?!?! Is that why you left in the middle of the dinner?!" 
You closed your eyes hearing his scolding. 
"Ah- Oppa! I feel like my head is about to burst... I'm still not sober enough. Could you not scream?" You asked playing weak as Jin sighed.
"Aigo my baby! Eish, you Kim!" Jin scolded Taehyung as you tried not to smile. 

Taehyung looked at you and let out a scoff in disbelief. 
"You're not sober?! That's why you spilt all that ramen broth on me and made us get into an accident?!" He spoke as Jin replied, "AY YOU! Talk to me first! You seem to be hurt too. Why did you push her?" 
"Hyung!! I didn't. I just pushed her slightly... she was the one who fell and got hurt. I didn't know she was light as a feather?!" He spoke as you smirked lightly but covered it up with a tired face.
"Are you acting right now? I know you're sober! You were drunk like- an hour and a half ago! You even had the hangover medicine!" Taehyung argued seeing you as you sighed.

"Mr Kim... you know I was very drunk... isn't it natural for me to be tired?" You asked in a tired voice as he scratched his neck rethinking everything.
"Are you kidding me? I just realized- Y/N, Did you drink? Taehyung, how did you find her? And WHAT ARE YOU BOTH DOING HERE?!?!? HOW DID YOU EVEN CRASH THE CA-" He was asking when a high pitched voice was heard in the room.
"TAEHYUNGAAHHHH! MY CHILD!!!!!!!" You flinched hearing the voice as Jin sighed. Taehyung gulped hiding his injured arm. 

The woman ran towards Taehyung and grabbed his face saying, "My kid! How did you get so hurt!??!?!" You looked at her confused as Jin spoke, "Mrs Kim." You nodded understanding it was his mother. 
"Mom! I am fine!! Why are you screaming... in front of people?" He asked seeing you all stare at them.
"Ah! You can't even handle a needle! You almost get a heart attack just by the glance of an injection! How do you expect me to believe you?!" She spoke as you tried not to burst into laughter. Jin looked at you and sighed. 

"Honey! Can you not scream? We're in a hospital." Another voice spoke as you looked at a man wearing a suit. You guessed he'd be Mr Kim. 
"Are you seriously saying that?! When our son almost died?!" Mrs Kim spoke as Taehyung sighed.
"No honey! I am just worried your throat will be sore and it'll affect your sweet and lovely voice." Mr Kim spoke as you looked at him surprised.
"Is he Mr Kim's father?" You asked Jin in a low voice as Jin chuckled knowing why you asked that. 

'How can he be so smooth and his son so rough and prickly?!' You thought eyeing them. Soon, the woman's eyes diverted towards you as she spoke, "Omo! Who is this beautiful kid I see? Aww, so pretty! Why are you on the floor though?" 
You coughed awkwardly getting up with Jin's help and bowed to them. 
"Hello... I am Do Y/N." You spoke as the woman smiled sweetly but frowned seeing your hand bandaged.
"Ah! Are you perhaps... our son's secretary? Did you get hurt too?" She asked as you awkwardly smiled nodding. She looked at you with a pitiful expression before patting your head.
"Aigo.. was it my son's fault though?" Mr Kim asked as you looked at him like a lost puppy and nodded. 

Taehyung took a deep breath trying not to scream at you seeing your fake acts.

--Time skip

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