Finale:: I love you

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Author's POV:

You smiled staring at him as he spoke, "Y/N. I was supposed to hate you and annoy you... while bickering with you for the rest of our lives but... I think I broke that rule." You looked at him blankly before saying, "I didn't think about your question at all. Because... I don't need to think about the answer, I already know it. Even though, we're still getting to know each other and trying to be better and nicer to each other... it's okay. Because I like you... a lot." You said cupping his face as you placed a soft kiss on his lips making him close his eyes. He looked at you as you spoke, "Don't get so mad and reckless the next time. Mom will end up kicking me out for causing trouble." He smiled before leaning in closer to your face as he held you by your waist placing his lips on yours, softly kissing you as you kissed him back holding the cloth of his shirt making sure not to put pressure on his bruised lips.

"These punks... we only left to get medicine and these.." Jin sighed as Mina spoke, "They're making me feel single. I remember Y/N hating him so much- why is she kissing him right now?!" Jin and Mina looked at each other before looking at you both inside the car while standing a few meters away. 

---5 days later

"Mr Kim. It's finally a weekend~" You said as Taehyung replied, "I know." You looked at him and said, "Should we... go to my house? My mom probably knows I'm dating someone and she keeps asking me. But I didn't tell her the one I'm dating is you... not yet. So, I have to tell her soon." 
"You should've given me a week as I gave you." He said as you spoke, "Right.. then let's go to my house next week!" He sighed saying, "You're seriously-" You pressed your lips in a thin line looking away as he spoke, "Then... come shopping with me."
"Huh?" You asked as he replied, "Ah.. come shopping with me. I should get a good suit to meet my mother-in-law."
"Your what?!" You asked, your eyes almost popping out of the socket as he spoke, "Mother-in-law. Why?"

"She... w-what are you even... a-am I your wife?!" You asked as he said, "Today or tomorrow, you'll end up being that anyway."
"Mr Kim!!" You spoke feeling attacked by his remarks. Your cheeks heated up as your heart skipped a beat making you embarrassed. 
"Aigo... did I make you shy~~," He asked as you replied, "Leave it. Let's just go!" 

He chuckled seeing you walk away and spoke, "I can't understand her no matter how much I think... is she just- bold or a shy idiot?" 

---2 days later 

"Omo omo! I wish I knew my daughter was dating her boss! Ah... you're kind enough to date this idiot!" Your mom said as your dad coughed awkwardly saying, "What's wrong with our daughter?"
"Mom..!!" You mumbled as Taehyung looked at the family drama with a small smile saying, "Of course... she isn't the only idiot so it's fine." You glared at him as he looked at you with a 'What?' look making you huff in annoyance. 
"I'll set the table!" Your mom said getting up as she walked inside the kitchen getting the food out. You stared at Taehyung saying, "Go help her if you want to impress her." He nodded coughing awkwardly as he got up running inside the kitchen saying, "Ah! Let me help you." Your mum chuckled saying, "Aigo.. really? You're such a kind person. Thank you!" Taehyung smiled proudly looking at you as you showed him a thumbs up. 

"He seems dumber than I expected. Are you sure you're not the one who hit on him?" Your dad asked as you looked at him awkwardly before looking away making him let out a gasp in disbelief.
"My daughter surely is... unbelievable." He said as you thinned your lips looking away.

---Time skip 

"It's so good! I like potatoes, but this one is just too good!" Taehyung spoke eating the potato stew your mom made as you stared at him weirdly.
"That's why he likes Y/N." Your father mumbled as you looked at him in disbelief. Taehyung tried not to laugh making you huff as you spoke, "Just abandon me and adopt him!"
"Why would we do that when he can just be our son by marrying you? That's easier." Your mom said as you said, "We.Don't.Have.Plans.Of.Marriage.Yet." Taehyung eyed you as your mom and dad sighed.
"Leave them, honey. They're still young." Your dad spoke as your mom sighed. 

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