Chapter 11:: Harsh Kindness

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Author's POV:

"I can't believe it but sure." You spoke as Taehyung scoffed. Suddenly, you coughed a little holding your chest as Jin asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. I forgot to wear a scarf in this cold weather. So I think I caught a little cold." You spoke as Jin sighed.
"You're always sensitive to cold weather. You should take care of yourself." Jin spoke as you smiled nodding.
"I did take 2 scarves... I don't know why I can't find the scarf Jungkook gave me." You spoke as Taehyung gulped looking outside the window.

"Taehyungah, why are you so quiet?" Jin asked as Taehyung replied, "Nothing, just tired."
"Tired after lying on the bed for 2 days." You whispered to yourself which went unheard by the males sitting in front of you. Taehyung glanced at you feeling a little guilty remembering how he hid your scarf in his bag because he didn't like seeing you wear it. Of course, it was a disease that he developed within time as he spent with you. A disease called jealousy.

"Let's eat something first. It's lunchtime anyway." You spoke as Taehyung scoffed saying, "Is food the only thing you can think about?" You nodded as Jin spoke, "Taehyungah. It's bad manners to point out someone's likings." Taehyung thinned his lips looking outside.

---In a Chinese restaurant 

"Why are we here?" Taehyung asked as Jin replied, "This is Y/N's favourite Chinese place, also the closest to the hospital." 
"Why are you so obsessed with her?" Taehyung asked getting irritated seeing Jin treating you so special.
"Well, I always wanted a sister. But, you all ruined it so-" He spoke as Taehyung scoffed.
"Hyung! How can you hurt me like that?! And who treats their sister like that... you look rather suspicious." He spoke as Jin looked at his brother's strange behaviour but shrugged. 
"What do you guys want to eat?" Jin asked as you replied, "Dumplings!" 

"Uhh... these noodles," Taehyung spoke as Jin nodded. He called the waiter and gave the order as you 3 were waiting. 
"Hyung, Hyung! Look!! Isn't that dog so cute??" Taehyung nudged Jin as he looked in the direction nodding. You looked at Taehyung and frowned but as soon as you looked in the direction of the dog, your jaw dropped.
"Aww! I want that cutie pie!" You spoke as Taehyung eyed you saying, "He's mine. I noticed him first." 
"Eh? Did you buy that cutie? And- how do you know if it's a he or a she? Isn't that gender discrimination you're doing right now?!" You asked as he gasped.

"You- how dare you to accuse me of that?!" Taehyung retorted as you replied, "For your information, you said you'll be firing me after this. So, in that case, I can call you whatever I want since you're not my boss any more." 
Taehyung let out an airy gasp hearing your argument before saying, "Yah. When did I say that?"
"You didn't?" You asked in a sarcastic tone as he took a deep breath saying, "I did. But of course, I didn't mean it! It was just something I said in anger!" 

"Do you have anger issues? It doesn't matter to me if you do but shouldn't you control that? I was THIS close to handing in a resignation letter as soon as I go back to the company." You lied trying to annoy him more as he scoffed saying, "Woah- this woman, I swear!"
You made a face full of attitude and looked away as Jin chuckled while Taehyung rolled his eyes. 
"I dislike this woman so much!" Taehyung muttered as Jin whispered under his breath, "Did anyone tell you to like her? Fool."

---Time skip

"Ah, this is so yummy!" You spoke chewing the dumplings as Taehyung looked at you eat. As he looked at you eat and your lips move while chewing the dumplings and giggling in happiness, a strange feeling arose in him. He felt his heart tingle and a dreamy feeling was built up in him.
"Mr Kim? Do you want anything?" You asked seeing him stare at you. He wasn't replying making you a little flustered. Jin sensed the situation and spoke, "Yah Taehyung!!"  Taehyung who was in deep thought while staring at you came to trance feeling Jin push him a little.

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