Chapter Seventeen

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Me: HEY BRUCE! Are you done with your beauty treatment yet?

Bruce: *calls from his bedroom* Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

Vinnie: *tries not to laugh* I think she wants to know if you're ready for your birthday celebration?

Bruce: Ahhh...I understand now. Well, all I have to do is finish shaving my face and then I'll be ready.

Eric Carr: But you've been in there for an hour! *pouts playfully*

Me: *giggles* Chill out, pipsqueak. Your BFF will be out here soon.

Eric Carr: I ain't no pipsqueak!

Michael Jackson: *giggles at the Fox's facial expression*

Me: *holds onto my pregnant stomach as I laugh* Yes you are. You're smaller in size than Vinnie.

Eric Carr: Well, you've gotten more fat than usual.


Vinnie: Okay, Emily. Please take it easy on yourself.

Eric Carr: *chuckles* Alright, you win baby momma.

Me: Yes! *gives Eric Carr a pat on the head*

Gene: *chuckles*

Bruce: *comes out of his bedroom* The birthday boy is here!

Eric Carr: *quickly switches to his fox form, yipping excitedly and ran over to Bruce Kulick, wagging his fluffy fox tail*

Eric Carr: *quickly switches to his fox form, yipping excitedly and ran over to Bruce Kulick, wagging his fluffy fox tail*

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Bruce: *laughs* Okay, buddy. It's good to see you, too. *pets Eric Carr's fur gently*

Paul: Everybody ready?

Eric Singer: Ready!

(*Everyone sings happy birthday to Bruce*)

Gene: *carefully lights up the number 6 and 8 candles with his fire breath*

Eric Carr: Now, you gotta make a wish.

Me: *lays my hand on my pregnant belly* And then blow out the candles.

Bruce: *thinks of a wish and then blows out the candles*

(*Everyone cheers and claps their hands in applause*)

Eric Carr: What did you wish for, Bruce?

Bruce: I can't tell you or it won't come true.

Eric Carr: Aw, tarter sauce *pouts playfully*

Me: *giggles* Well, I know what I want to wish for.

Vinnie: And what would that me, my Egyptian goddess?

Me: My wish is for Michael Jackson to live forever.

Michael Jackson: Aww! Thank you, sweetheart. *hugs me*

Me: *giggles, and then also hugs Michael Jackson*

Paul: Who wants cake?!

Michael Jackson: *raises his hand* Oh me me me! 😃

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