Chapter 2

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The West Wing of the castle was dark almost like Technoblade didn't want anything to illuminate this wing. You frowned sniffing from the dust that seemed to have settled over everything in sight. A large door greeted you at the end of the hall, the wood was dark and littered with carved filigree. Your fingers delicately traced over the engravings, you were in awe at the gorgeous handiwork. A skilled carver had to have made this, it must've cost a fortune. You gently pushed the large door open, it creaked in response and you flinched at the sound you looked around seeing that no one heard you, you entered without hesitation.

The room was somehow even messier than the corridor it was attached to, trash and torn pieces of tapestry littered the floor and you couldn't wrap your head around how anyone could live in conditions like these. Your eyes gazed upon a torn tapestry hung up on the main wall of the room, on it was a picture of a handsome man. A strong jawline and long pink hair, eyes a blazing an intimidating crimson...they looked almost familiar to you. Slowly you turned towards the balcony just before the entrance to the outside sat a rose, it was held up by nothing but magic it looked wilted as it was losing petals at an alarming rate. Water...maybe it needed water? Why would anyone let this rose wither away and die if it can be revived with some water? You reached your hands out gently cupping the glass dome it was residing in, a snarl tore you out of your stupor. You screamed as a clawed hand gripped your wrist tight pulling you away from the glass case. Technoblade blocked your view of the rose, his eyes like hot coals looked into your own, steam curling around his snout as he growled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I..." You couldn't find the words, mouth going dry as you stared up at the towering beast above you.

"I told you never to come here? Do you have ears? Do you listen to anything anyone says ever, you dumb girl!" He spat and you tensed, standing up straighter ready to defend your case you opened your mouth,

"I know that you told me not to come. But-"

"Do you realize what your insolence could've done!? How would it have affected everyone here? Get out!" He pointed to the door with a clawed hand, "Now!"

"No, I-"

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO BE HERE! NO RIGHT!" He yelled directly in your face, you flinched moving to run past him as he spun you both around so he was blocking the exit. Technoblade reached out grabbing your arm and promptly tore a piece of your sleeve off, tearing into your delicate skin. You yelled in pain thin lines of blood trickling down your upper arm, and for the first time since you've been there, you looked petrified. Seeing what he had done his face fell, he held his hand tight to his chest, "No, I...I didn't mean-"

"PROMISE OR NO PROMISE I WON'T STAY HERE WITH YOU!" You screamed hair falling down your face, and sticking there due to the tears. You turned on your heel and burst out the door, down the hall, you dodged a rather frantic-looking Wilbur and Phil.

"Miss (Y/n)? Where are you going?"

"Wait it's dangerous you mustn't! Techno what did you do!" Phil snarled the beast of a man must be hot on your heels.

"I'm sorry! Please! I didn't mean to frighten you or hurt you! I didn't- You don't understand...there's so little left of little." He trailed off watching as you ignored all their pleas and opened the main entrance door. Cold air immediately burned your cheeks raw, it was snowing once more as you bolted through the gardens and into the dark woods that would lead down to your village. The woods were dark, and the moon did little to illuminate your path, you weren't prepared to be out in the snow. The wind and snow chilled you to the bone, as the wet snow soaked through the thin fabric of your dress and shoes. Your panted breaths came out in a little puff of fog as wolves howled in the distance. You took a nervous breath. Stopping briefly in the middle of a clearing you panted looking around the area for the proper way to get home to the village. That would prove to be a challenge because just as you made a choice in which direction to go in a wolf stepped out of the darkness. You tensed stumbling a few steps back, you made a move to turn back in the direction you came but you found yourself surrounded by a pack of ravenous wolves. They all were baring their teeth and snarling, as they closed in a circle around you, you frantically looked around before picking up a tree branch and holding it out like a sword. You were so dead,

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