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Technoblade groaned softly burying his head in your chest as his daughter pounded loudly on the master bedroom's door in the West Wing. "Your daughter's awake..." He mumbled into your chest, tail wrapped snugly around your waist.

"Hm..." You kissed the top of his head not bothering to open your eyes, "Before sunrise, she's your daughter."

"Fuck you." He grumbled sitting up in bed allowing the sheets to spill out around his waist, he heard you chuckling and whacked you with his tail. You yelped eyes shooting open, sharp eyes glaring into his soul. He could only smirk, "You weren't complaining about that last night."

"You're a shit head."

"I know you guys are awake!" Another series of loud pounding, resounded through the room, "Both of you! Now wake up you promised to take me to the village today! I wanna see Uncle Tommy!"

"Your mother needs her beauty sleep," Technoblade called back watching you sit up, his marks from the night before needed to be covered before the two rulers ventured into the village. Especially since they were seeing your brother, the both of you had news to share and wanted to get it out there sooner rather than later. If it was going to be the same reaction he had when Athena was born he didn't want to see how he reacted when you told him you were once again pregnant. The boy almost killed Technoblade on the spot considering the both of you weren't even married at the time of the announcement. But now you were, so maybe his reaction would be a little different. Athena groaned and they heard her tiny footsteps retreating down the hall. He then noticed you glaring at him, "What?"

"Beauty sleep?" You criticized with a huff, "really?"

"You come up with a better excuse than Princess. What do you want me to say sorry, we slept in I fucked your mom so hard last night we both are super spent." Sarcasm dripped from his tongue and it earned him a pillow to his face.

"You're a pig. No wonder you got turned into one," You sat up yourself and Technoblade brushed the comment off, after all his two favorite things in the world were on display to view. When you were pregnant before they swelled so nicely, a pleasant buzzing stirred under his skin at the thought that they'd probably soon be that size again. "You're staring again," You mused with a fond eye roll used to his antics by now. After he 'discovered himself' sexually there was almost no quelling his libido.

"Can you blame me?"

"I would say yes, but your ogling makes me feel pretty." You flushed a sweet pink and Technoblade beamed from ear to ear.

"You're gorgeous."

"Hush." You waved your hand shyly, sliding off the bed to grab a fresh pair of undergarments and a more casual dress. He hummed following in your footsteps and getting dressed for the day himself,

"Braid my hair?"

"Always sit." You commanded and he sat down at the vanity, he felt your skilled fingers scratch at his scalp and he hummed. You brushed out the messy pink locks before braiding his hair down his back to keep it out of his face. You reached towards his crown placing it on his head, he felt you press a light kiss to his cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too." He looked up at you and caught you smiling cheek to cheek, "And he's gonna love you too." You hummed, he turned to place his forehead on the minuscule bump in your stomach.

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