4 - We Date

501 23 12


After his little incident with Yeosang, San decided it would probably be better if he stayed out of his business for the rest of the day. He found a spare room, and did his work in there. Eventually he did all of his tasks, but not without a-lot of procrastination and aimlessly scrolling through social media.

Around 7pm, he had his break. San made himself another coffee, to get ready for the other 4hours and 30 minutes he had left in the office. While taking his coffee back to his new room San decided to stop in the middle of the corridor

Why? Well to stare at Yeosang through the window of course.

As much as he wanted to hate Yeosang, and as much as he did, something kept pulling him back to him. It was just the little things at first, like how he was always so intent with his eye contact. But now as he watched the man stare into the computer, his jawline perfectly accentuated and blond hair slightly messed up, San found himself in awe of how he looked. His hand unconsciously placed itself on the door handle and he was about to let himself in, but he was brought back to his senses when the door squeaked and Yeosang turned around to stare right in his direction

San ran out of the line of sight and in the process spilt some of his coffee on the floor.

"Shit" he cursed as he moved a random potted plant to cover his coffee spill "that was close" and he made his way back to the computer.

Fast forward 4 hours and 30 minutes of San doing absolutely nothing productive it was finally time for his shift to end. San noticed that whenever he wasn't with Yeosang, time went immensely slower, but he didn't take note of it because it's not like he enjoyed being with Yeosang. Or at least thats what he told himself.

San packed his back, logged off the computer and made his way out the office. Just as he pressed the elevator button, he felt the presence of the only other person he shared the same shift hours as

"Oh your still here Kang" San said reluctantly, not knowing if he was meant to be in a mood with Yeosang or not

"Its like kind of my job, i thought you left ages ago" The two both entered the elevator, knowing that this would be a fun ride down

"I finished the work in the spare office, then did nothing for about 6 hours" Clearly the experience was too boring for him to keep track of time, as it was only 4 hours.

No words were spoken for the rest of the ride down. Yeosang bit his lip, thinking abour whether he should or shouldn't say he got San moved to a different mentor. He held the thought, believing that some part of his erratic personality would be triggered and he'd throw a fit, even though Yeosang thought San would enjoy not being with him.

As the elevator reached the fourth floor San yawned. He must have been really tired because he totally wasn't just manifesting the elevator would stop and the two of them would be stuck in there.



For god knows how long.

But that didn't happen and they reached the ground floor. Yeosang walked out first and San followed. The two made their way out of the building and out to the car park, the November breeze hitting them softly.

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