Chapter Nine

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Quinn's POV

Barry and I have just been sitting around the fire, trying to resist drinking our entire supply of water. Everyone pretty much ditched us, to follow Stiles so we were left by ourselves. Barry better know how to fix a fire because I have no idea. Without that fire it'd be pitch black right now.

"So Quinn, where are you from?" He asked suddenly as he looked up from the flames. He looked extremely attractive from the light of the fire reflecting on his face.

This got to the point where I couldn't answer him though, because I just kept staring.

"Quinn? You okay?" He asked as he snapped his fingers in front of my face to snap me out of my zoned out moment.

"Yeah. You just remind me of someone I used to know."

Sebastian Smythe. He looked exactly like Sebastian Smythe and there was no doubt about that. They could be twins. Like identical twins. Purely identical twins.

"Hopefully someone good?"

Okay was I supposed to lie to him or something? He seemed like a really nice guy, but I really don't want to tell him that he looks like a deranged psychopath that almost blinded someone with rock salt.

"Yeah.....he would probably say that." That's the best that I could do, and I wasn't lying

"Oh. So he was a jerk then?" He said while smiling, about to laugh.

I finally admitted it by nodding, and we both started laughing.

"Oh and to answer your question. I'm from Lima Ohio. Let me guess. You're from metropolis?"

His eyes widened at the use of the city name.

"Relax dude I was just kidding. I know that Metropolis isn't real." I laughed, but he definitely wasn't laughing with me.

His face was completely in shock.

"Wait do you know Kara? Are you from that world? Oh my god."

Wait was he actually being serious?

"I can't tell if you're joking or not Barry. Metropolis is from the comic books. But then claim to be the flash so...."

My mind suddenly started throwing out possibility after possibilty.

"Are you actually the flash? Is Metropolis actually real? Also, what do you mean, am I from that Earth? There's only one Earth."

We were both completely flabbergasted at what each other was saying right now, that the only time when our mouth wasn't dropped, is when we were questioning the other about everything.

"This is absolutely ridiculous!" Archie yelled as he suddenly came out of the woods.

The thing is, he was alone.

I'm pretty sure he followed Alec, and Alec followed Stiles, so where were they?

"Archie? What's going on? Why do you look so ticked off?" I asked as I brushed the dirt of my knees and stood to meet him when he came over to the fire.

"Alec went after Stiles, and I went to go with him and he just sent me back here."

He was fuming.

If I wasn't so concerned about what was going on with Alec and Stiles, I would be laughing at the jealousy practically radiating off of Archie.

"Chill out man. Don't seem so upset to be hanging out with Quinn and I." Barry spoke up as he managed to choke back his laughter from breaking through.

"No I didn't mean that I don't want to be here, well I don't, but that's not what I meant. I'm angry that Alec is so obsessed with getting in Stiles's pants that he won't accept help, while Stiles could actually be in danger!"

So Archie is the definition of jealousy, and he's trying to play it out to be that he isn't jealous. Let's hope this dude never gets a job in acting. The show would suck beyond belief.

"Well we have a warm fire, and some water. Just come and chill whilst we wait for Alec and Stiles to come back. Trust me they're gonna be fine."

I made my way over to the fire which Barry had already made his way over too. Guess he left the conversation and I didn't even know that he had left it until now.

Wish I was this stealthy in getting out of unwanted conversations.

The fire was starting to die down which means that someone was either going to have to go get more wood, or we were just going to have to let the fire go out.

Letting the fire go out probably isn't the best option, so I was going to have to have Barry go and get the wood because I am definitely not getting up.

Is that considered a boss move, or is it just lazy?

Either way, I don't really care, I'm not going to go get that wood.

"Barry, can you please go get some more wood?" I asked semi sweetly as I batted my eyelashes at him.

That didn't even phase him at all because he just looked up at me.

"Why can't you do it yourself?"

You see, I could blame myself, I totally could, if I actually had an explanation to give him.

"Because I don't want to, and you seem nice enough to where you won't make me." 

That was the end of that.

He got up with an overdramatic groan, and stomped his way over into the woods.

Jeez, could he have been more overdramatic with that stomping?

"Are you done pouting, or are you just going to stand there all night?" I asked Archie without even looking over at him.

Why were the boys being so overdramatic today? Like one was pining after a guy that doesn't like him like that, and the other didn't want to go get firewood.

Hopefully Alec and Stiles will be better when they get back, so that way I have someone to talk to that isn't being annoyingly overdramatic.

Now I think I have thought the word overdramatic more in the past five minutes than I have thought of that word in my entire life.

That's it, I'm going to bed.

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